The Society's New Rooms [Presbytery House, Dumfries]
Parish History, Recent (Social)
TDGNHAS Series II, 4 (1883-86), 87(WARNING large file size: 8.7 MB)
The Society's New Rooms [Presbytery House, Dumfries] Parish History, Recent (Social) TDGNHAS Series II, 4 (1883-86), 87(WARNING large file size: 8.7 MB) |
The Society's New Rooms [Presbytery House, Dumfries] Recent (Social), Parish History TDGNHAS Series II, 4 (1883-86), 133(WARNING large file size: 8.7 MB) |
The Sociological Value of Entomology TDGNHAS Series II, 4 (1883-86), 5(WARNING large file size: 8.7 MB) |
The Solway Firth (B.Blake, "Regional Books", Robert Hale Ltd) A Review TDGNHAS Series III, 33 (1954-55), 204(WARNING very large file size: 20.98 MB) |
The Solway Smugglers and the Customs Port at Dumfries Recent, Recent (Social), History TDGNHAS Series III, 51 (1975), 59(WARNING very large file size: 28.56 MB) |
J.C. Henderson, B.A. Crone and M.G. Cavers The South West Crannog Survey: Recent Work on the lake dwellings of Dumfries and Galloway Prehistory (General), Iron Age, Roman and Romano British, Early Mediaeval, Mediaeval, Botany TDGNHAS Series III, 80 (2006), 29(3.8 MB)
The second season of the SWCS Phase 2 was carried out in September 2003 and January 2004 and comprised detailed digital survey of submerged and dry areas of selected crannog sites in Dumfries and Galloway. Small scale underwater excavations at one site, L |
The Sparrow Hawk (Accipiter Nisus Linn.) TDGNHAS Series II, 17 (1900-05), 273(WARNING very large file size: 19.53 MB) |
The Stamps of Great Britain [Summary only] Recent (Literature & Art), Philately TDGNHAS Series II, 22 (1909-10), 192(WARNING very large file size: 11.43 MB)
After giving an account of his own interest in stamps and the growth of his collection, the President briefly reviewed the history of stamps and stampmaking. He dealt particularly with those of Great Britain, illustrating his remarks by examples in his ow |
The Standing Stones of the Stewartry [Kirkcudbrightshire] Prehistory (General), Archaeology (General), Mediaeval, Bronze Age, Early Mediaeval TDGNHAS Series II, 11 (1894-95), 78(WARNING large file size: 8.86 MB) |
The Standing Stones of Torhouse and Others TDGNHAS Series III, 19 (1933-35), 153(WARNING very large file size: 50.85 MB) |
The Statistical Accounts Recent, Recent (Social), History, Antiquarian TDGNHAS Series III, 82 (2008), 83(2.63 MB)
This article explores the distinctive features of the Accounts for the shires of Dumfries, Kirkcudbright and Wigtown and the changes revealed in the lives of the people and their environments between the First and Second and between the Second and Third A |
The Stewartrie of Kirkcudbright Court Minutes 1670 and 1684 Genealogy, Recent, Recent (Social) TDGNHAS Series III, 75 (2001), 181(1.92 MB)
Full transcripts are provided of two Stewartry of Kirkcudbright Stewart Court Minutes. The earliest is dated March 1670 and took place at Dalbeattie and relates to an area from the western side of Kirkbean Parish (Torrorie), Preston, Mersehead in Southwic |
The Stone Age Background of Scotland Prehistory (General), Geology, Mesolithic, Neolithic TDGNHAS Series III, 26 (1947-48), 9(WARNING very large file size: 40.52 MB) |
The Stone Circles of Wigtownshire TDGNHAS Series III, 56 (1981), 18(WARNING very large file size: 42.64 MB) |
The Stones at Kirkmadrine TDGNHAS Series II, 21 (1908-09), 130(WARNING very large file size: 10.64 MB) |
The Story of Bagpipes and their Music TDGNHAS Series III, 92 (2018), 128(2.11 MB) |
The Story of Carlisle (J. and B.Blake, City of Carlisle Education Committee) A Review TDGNHAS Series III, 36 (1957-58), 187(WARNING very large file size: 19.04 MB) |
The Story of Corncockle Quarry Geology, Recent, Industrial Archaeology TDGNHAS Series III, 86 (2012), 197(4.08 MB) |
The Story of Lochmaben Kirk Mediaeval, Recent, Architecture, Campanology, Recent (Social), Genealogy, Parish History TDGNHAS Series III, 19 (1933-35), 296(WARNING very large file size: 50.85 MB) |
The Strathspey Fencibles at Dumfries in 1795 Recent, Recent (Social), Parish History TDGNHAS Series III, 3 (1914-15), 96(WARNING very large file size: 19.8 MB) |