J.M. McWilliam

Articles by this author

J.M. McWilliam

The Antiquities of Innismurry Island [Summary only]

Early Mediaeval

TDGNHAS Series III, 22 (1938-40), 51(WARNING very large file size: 54.53 MB)


This lantern lecture on the well-known ecclesiastical site at Innismurry was delivered by one who had spent many happy days on the mainland facing the island. After a brief outline of its place in the history of the early Irish Celtic Church, Mr McWilliam

J.M. McWilliam

The Birds of the Scar Rocks, Wigtownshire [Summary only]


TDGNHAS Series III, 23 (1940-44), 65(WARNING very large file size: 40.26 MB)


This important local contribution has been published by the Buteshire Natural History Society, Vol XIII - and for that reason was not reproduced within the Transactions