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A. E. MacRobert

Were the Wigtown Martyrs Drowned? A Reappraisal

Recent, History

TDGNHAS Series III, 84 (2010), 121(3.44 MB)


This article explores the vituperative controversy which erupted in the mid 19th century over whether the Wigtown Martyrs were drowned. As the available evidence is neither easily accessible nor widely known, it is explained and evaluated. The conclusion is that they were drowned but there remain several mysteries including what happened to a reprieve from the Privy Council. Some historians have therefore been unable to agree that the drownings took place.

Andrew Breeze

Whithorn’s Renown in the Early Medieval Period: Whithorn, ‘Futerna’ and ‘Magnum Monasterium’, by Fiona Edmonds and St. Ninian and the Earliest Christianity in Scotland: Papers from the Conference held by the Friends of the Whithorn Trust in Whithorn on Se


TDGNHAS Series III, 84 (2010), 164(3.44 MB)

S. Dunlop

Who were the Philistines? [Summary only]

Ethnography, Archaeology (General)

TDGNHAS Series III, 4 (1915-16), 35(WARNING large file size: 5.51 MB)


In this lecture, which was not intended by its author for publication in the Transactions, the latest theories of the origin of the Philistines were described. The Philistines were regarded as foreigners by the Hebrews and other Semitic races. They came f

M. Bratley

Wild Fowl and Wild Fowling [Summary only]

Ornithology, Agriculture

TDGNHAS Series III, 22 (1938-40), 25(WARNING very large file size: 54.53 MB)


This meeting was held in the hall of the High School. It was illustrated by Mr Bratley's own colour films showing the different variation of the birds, with particular reference to their plumage and physical characteristics. The lecturer ended with a film