
Articles tagged with the topic ‘Agriculture’

Displaying 1 - 50 of 104


A.R. Williams and P.G. Williams

A Field-Study Meeting in Galloway, August 1939: The Institute of Sociology, Le Play House

Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Geology, Botany, Archaeology (General), Agriculture, Industrial Archaeology, History, Antiquarian, Field Meeting

TDGNHAS Series III, 80 (2006), 143(3.8 MB)


Between 1st and 15th August 1939 the Institute of Sociology, Le Play House, 35 Gordon Square, London held a field study meeting in Galloway. Centred on Newton Stewart the group set out to investigate the natural history, history and social science of the


M. Bratley

Wild Fowl and Wild Fowling [Summary only]

Ornithology, Agriculture

TDGNHAS Series III, 22 (1938-40), 25(WARNING very large file size: 54.53 MB)


This meeting was held in the hall of the High School. It was illustrated by Mr Bratley's own colour films showing the different variation of the birds, with particular reference to their plumage and physical characteristics. The lecturer ended with a film


J.M. Menzies

The Salmon Fisheries of Scotland [Summary only]

Zoology, Agriculture

TDGNHAS Series III, 22 (1938-40), 25(WARNING very large file size: 54.53 MB)


This lecture by H.M.Inspector of Fisheries for Scotland traced the evolution of this industry from earliest times and also gave an idea of how salmon were preserved for transport before the days of canning and freezing. The various kinds of traps for the


L. Beattie

Modern Methods of Sea Fishing [Summary only]

Zoology, Agriculture

TDGNHAS Series III, 19 (1933-35), 30(WARNING very large file size: 50.85 MB)


A very interesting paper was contributed on this subject, dealing mainly with Mr Beattie's own experiences when accompanying the herring fishers of the Firth of Clyde and also with the boats fishing for hake, etc., from Fleetwood. For the first time in th


A. Duncan

Observations on Birds from a Dumfriesshire Hill Farm [Summary only]

Ornithology, Agriculture

TDGNHAS Series III, 18 (1931-33), 271(WARNING very large file size: 68.6 MB)


Mr Duncan gave a number of extremely interesting sketches of bird life in the neighbourhood of Closeburn and elsewhere. These may be printed on another occasion. [Not printed in Transactions]