S. Arnott

Author biography


Samuel Arnott

Samuel Arnott of Carsethorn and Sunnymead, Maxwelltown, became a member of Society on 1st July 1893. He served as a member of Council on numerous occasions and became the first...

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Articles by this author

S. Arnott

The Toxic Effects of Colchicums on Bees [Summary only]

Entomology, Botany

TDGNHAS Series II, 17 (1900-05), 246(WARNING very large file size: 19.53 MB)


In this short paper the author gave the results of a series of observations upon the toxic effect produced upon bees frequenting colchicums in search of honey or pollen. The bees became stupefied and died.

S. Arnott

Notes on Outdoor Plant Photography [Summary only]

Botany, Photography

TDGNHAS Series II, 22 (1909-10), 137(WARNING very large file size: 11.43 MB)


Mr Arnott dealt with the difficulties attending plant photography and the methods adopted to secure suitable backgrounds, sufficient sharpness of detail, and the true colour values of flowers. He described the troubles caused by wind, confined space, and

S. Arnott

Plant Superstitions [Summary only]

Botany, Folklore

TDGNHAS Series III, 2 (1913-14), 115(WARNING very large file size: 16.79 MB)


Mr Arnott, in an interesting manner, recounted many of the popular beliefs attached to particular plants, drawing his matter from widely distributed sources and districts. He illustrated his paper with a number of lantern slides of the various plants.

S. Arnott

Some Plant Notes


TDGNHAS Series III, 5 (1916-18), 211(WARNING very large file size: 17.97 MB)


Three valuable papers were read at this meeting - 'The Science of Fresh Water Lakes', by Mr W.H. Armistead, 'Some Plant Notes', by the Chairman [Provost S.Armott] and 'Reminiscences of the Stewartry' by Mr C. Marriott, M.A. It is to be regretted that the