
Shane McLeod

A Traveller’s End? — A Reconsideration of a Viking-Age Burial at Carronbridge, Dumfriesshire

Archaeology (General), Early Mediaeval

TDGNHAS Series III, 88 (2014), 13(WARNING large file size: 7.34 MB)


A collection of metalwork — a sword, penannular brooch, and sickle — was found close together in 1989 at Carronbridge in north-central Dumfriesshire and they are thought to have been deposited in the ninth or tenth centuries. In the published report it was suggested that they belonged to a ‘lone traveller’, and a later review of the burial concluded that it should be raised ‘to the category of pagan Norse burials marked as “uncertain’’’. Having reconsidered the evidence and viewed the location of the Carronbridge burial I suggest that it should be moved to the ‘certain’ category. A short review of the evidence for Scandinavians in Dumfriesshire is also given, including the circumstances that may have led to the burial.