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Index of Authors
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Abramson, Philip
Adamson, D.
Adamson, W.
Adkins, R.A.
Affleck, J.
Aiken, J.
Ailsa, Marquess of
Aird, T.
Airey, A.F.
Aitken, Dr.
Aitken, J. Carlyle.
Aitken, M.
Alexander, D.
Alexander, K.N.A.
Allan, P.B.M.
Allen, Martin
Anderson, A.D.
Anderson, Alex
Anderson, J.G.
Anderson, R.S.G.
Anderson, Stuart, T.P.
Anderson, W.A.
Andson, W.
Ansell, M.
Ansell, M.L.
Appleby-Miller, R.N.
Armistead, J.J.
Armistead, W.H.
Armit, I.
Arnott, J.G.M'L-
Arnott, M.C.
Arnott, R.J.
Arnott, S.
Ashley, A.
Atkins, S.N.
Atkinson, R.J.C.
B., G.A.M.
Bailey, A.
Bailey, H.
Bailey, M.
Bailie, Warren R.
Balfour-Browne, E.
Balfour-Browne, F.
Ballantyne, J.D.
Banks, I.
Barber, J.
Barber, J. et al
Barber, J.W.
Barbour, J.
Barbour, J. [Dalry]
Barclay, G.J.
Barnetson, L.
Barnetson, L.P.D.
Barrow, G.W.S.
Bartholomew, G.
Baxter, E.V.
Beattie, I.
Beattie, L.
Bedford, W.K.R.
Begg, Crane
Bell, G.
Bell, R.
Bellhouse, R.
Bennett, A.
Biggar, D.
Biggar, Mr.
Binnie, F.G.
Bird, S.E.
Birley, E.
Birley, R.E.
Birrell, A.
Bishop, A. Henderson
Bishop, W.W.
Black, C.
Black, G.F.
Blackwood, G.G.
Blair, Imrie, Mrs -
Blance, B.
Blyth, Dr.
Boardman, S.
Boles, Y.
Boon, G.C.
Booth, C.
Borthwick, W.S.
Bowles, Christopher
Boyd, H.
Boyde, Rebecca
Boyle, A.
Bradley, R.M.
Brann, J.
Brann, M.
Bratley, M.
Breeze, Andrew
Breeze, D.G.
Bremner, R.L.
Brentano, R.J.
Bridson, R.H.
British, Rainfall Organisation
Britton, C.
Brooke, D.
Brookfield, M.E.
Brophy, K.
Brown, Alison
Brown, C.J. et al
Brown, E.M.
Brown, E.S.
Brown, G. Baldwin-
Brown, J. [Drumsleet]
Brown, Mrs
Brown, R.
Brown, T.
Bruce, K.
Brunetti, E.
Brydall, R.
Bulloch, J.
Burdon, Davies, E.F.
Burgess, J.
Burl, A.
Burnet, John
Burnett, T.R.
Cairns, J.
Caldwell, D.
Caldwell, D.H.
Callander, J.
Callander, S.
Callender, J. Graham -
Cameron, Dr.
Campbell, A.
Campbell, C.
Campbell, R.H.
Campbell, Stuart
Cannon, D.V.
Card, Jackie
Card, Nic
Carlyle, T.
Carlyle, T. of Waterbeck
Carrott, J.
Carruthers, (Major) -
Carruthers, A.S.
Carter, B.A.
Carter, F.Lee -
Carter, S.
Cavanagh, C.
Cavers, M.G.
Cessford, C.
Chadburn, R.
Chadwick, H.
Chadwick, N.K.
Chalmers, A.
Charleson, C. Forbes
Charteris, John
Cherry, J.
Cherry, P.J.
Childe, V. Gordon
Chinnock, E.J.
Chisholm, A.H.
Chisholm, N.
Chrystie, S.
Clapham, A.
Clapham, A.J.
Clapham, A.W.
Clark, J.
Clark, Maxwell, Rev. Prebendary -
Clarke, A.S.
Clarke, J.
Clarke, R.J.
Clarkson, Richard
Close-Brooks, J.
Clough, T.H.McK.
Coats, W.W.
Cochrane-Dyet, I.
Coleman, R.
Coles, D.
Coles, F.R.
Coles, J.M.
Colley, L.T.
Collin, D.
Collingwood, R.G.
Collingwood, W.G.
Condry, J.
Cook, M.
Coombey, N.
Copland, J.
Coppins, B.S.
Corcoran, J.X.W.P.
Cormack, W.F.
Cormack, W.F. et al.
Corrie, J.
Corrie, J.M.
Corrie, T.
Corson, F. Reid
Coutts, W.
Cowan, E.J.
Cowan, I.B.
Cowan, J.
Cowgill, J.
Cowie, T.
Cowie, T.G.
Cowie, T.G. et al
Cowley, D. -
Cowley, D.C.
Cox, A.
Craig, B.
Craig, D.
Cramp, R.
Cranstone, David
Crawford, J.C.
Crawford, O.G.S.
Crichton, Barbara
Crichton, D.
Crichton-Brown, J.
Crisp, E.
Croall, A.
Crofts, Roger
Crone, A.
Crone, B.A.
Crow, Jim
Crowe, C.
Crowley, N.
Cruden, S.
Cummings, V.
Cunningham, D.
Cunningham, J.
Curle, J.
Cuthbertson, W.
Dairon, J.
Dale, B.A.S.
Dalton, A.
Davidson, A.
Davidson, A.L.
Davidson, J.
Davidson, J.M.
Davidson, James
De, Bear Nicol, W.B.
Delair, J.B.
Denston, C.B.
Devereux, David F.
DGNHAS - author not given
DGNHAS Council
Dick, C.H.
Dick, J.C.
Dickie, W.
Dickson, C.
Dickson, J.
Dickson, R.C.
Dingwall, K.
Dinwiddie, J.L.
Dixon, D.
Dobie, K.H.
Dobie, M.R.
Dobson, Ronald M.
Dodd, J.P.
Dodds, A.
Dodds, W.
Dodson, Ronald M.
Dolley, R.H.M.
Donaldson, A.
Donaldson, G.
Donaldson, I.M.
Donaldson, J.
Donnachie, I.
Downs, Rose, G.
Drexler, M.
Dudgeon, E.C.
Dudgeon, P.
Duffy, A.
Duffy, K.
Dunbar, L. J.
Duncan, A.
Duncan, A.A.M.
Duncan, A.B.
Duncan, W.
Duncan, W. B.
Dunlop, A.I.
Dunlop, S.
Dunwell, A.
Durie, A.
Durkan, J.
Durno, S.E.
Dutton, David
Dybdahl, T.C.
Dykes, T.
Easson, D.E.
Easterbrook, C.C.
Eckford, R.J.A.
Edwards, A.J.H.
Edwards, B.J.N.
Edwards, David
Edwards, K.J.
Ellis, C.
Elmhurst, R.
Engl, R.
Eremin, K.
Evans, J.W.
Ewart, G.
Ewart, Library. Compiled in the -
Ewing, J.C.
Fairbairn, D.
Fairley, J.A.
Fairley, J.D.
Fairn, Anne
Farish, W.R.
Feachem, R.W.
Fell, C.
Fenton, A.
Ferguson, D.
Ferguson, R.K.
Fiddes, J.
Fildes, D.C.
Findlater, Alex Maxwell
Fingland, J.
Finlay, John
Finlayson, B.
Finnegan, D.
Fisher, R.
Fleetwood, David
Fleming, C.J.N.
Fleming-Hamilton, (Miss)
Floyd, James
Fojut, N.
Forbes, J.Macbeth -
Ford, B.
Ford, D.
Forrester, R.
Foster, James
Francey, Jym
Fraser, I.
Fraser, J.
Fraser, R.
Fraser, S.
Fraser, T.A.
French, Charles
Friel, Bobby
Froelicher, F.
Gabra-Sanders, T.
Gabra-Sanders, Thea
Gaffney, Chris
Gair, Alistair
Gair, J.H.D.
Galloway, W.
Geddes, A.
Gibbs, A.D.
Gibson, W.G.
Gilbert, John M.
Gilchrist, J.
Gilchrist, J.R.S.
Gillam, J.P.
Gillespie, J.E.
Gillon, S.A.
Gladstone, H.S.
Gladstone, J.
Gladstone, Joan
Gladstone, Joan -
Gladstone, R.
Glover, Anderson, J.
Glover, J.
Goldie, G.
Goodwin, Paul
Gordon, D.
Gordon, J.G.M.
Gordon, R.S.M.
Gough-Cooper, H.
Gough-Cooper, L.
Gourlay, J.
Gourlay, Mr -
Gourlay, W. R.
Gow, I.
Gracie, G.
Graham, A.
Graham, J.D.P.
Graham, R.J.D.
Graham, W.
Graham-Campbell, J.
Grant, J.A.S.
Grant, S.
Gray, P.
Green, M.
Green, Rosemary
Greenshields, Alison
Greeves, J.R.H.
Gregory, J.W.
Gregory, R.A.
Gribbon, E.
Grierson, F.W.
Grierson, J.C.
Grierson, James
Grierson, R.A.
Grierson, T.B.
Griffen, L.R.
Griffiths, Huw I.
Grindley, T.
Grove, D.
Gulland, D.
Habeshaw, D.
Haggarty, A.
Haggarty, G.
Hale, D.
Hale, D.N.
Hall, A.
Hall, Alexander
Hall, Derek
Halliday, D.
Halliday, S.P.
Halliday, T.A.
Halpin, E.
Hamilton-Grierson, P.J.
Hampson, P.G.
Hancock, E. Geoffrey
Hannay, J.
Harkness, R.
Harman, M.
Harper, J.
Harris, A.F.
Hartley, C.
Harvey, W.S.
Hastie, Mhairi
Hastings, W.
Hawker, David
Hay, D.
Heald, A.
Heggarty, George
Henderson, I.
Henderson, J.
Henderson, J.C.
Henderson, Jim
Henderson, R.
Henderson, T.
Henderson, T. R.
Henig, M.
Henshall, A.S.
Hepburn, W.A.F.
Herries, D.C.
Hewison, J.K.
Hextall, D.
Higgins, J.
Hill, A. Taylor-
Hill, C.
Hill, E.J.
Hill, Ian
Hill, P.H.
Hinde, A.
Hitchinson, Dave
Hodgson, Hesketh Mrs.
Hodgson, K.S.
Hoek, M.A.M. van
Hoek, M.A.M. van -
Hogarth, Carol
Hogg, D.
Holland, W.
Holmes, N.
Home, Lorimer, D.
Honey, Sheila
Hope-Taylor, B.
Horne, J.G.
Horsey, M.
Hough, C.
Hough, T.B.
Housley, R.A.
Howard, J.
Hunter, F.
Hunter, F. et al
Hunter, J.
Hunter, W.
Hunwicke, J.
Hutchins, David
Idle, E.T.
Inglis, J.A.
Innes, T.
Irving, Douglas
Irving, G.
Irving, J.
Irving, J.B.
Irving, J.Bell
James, S.
Jantaranipa, W.
Jardine, W. [Sir]
Jardine, W.G.
Jeffrey, (Mrs) -
Jeffs, J.G.
Jobey, G.
Johnson, Lt. Col.
Johnson, Melanie
Johnson-Ferguson, (Lady)-
Johnson-Ferguson, E. A.
Johnston, C.
Johnston, F.A.
Johnston, H.
Johnston, W.
Johnstone, G.
Johnstone, J.T.
Johnstone, R.B.
Johnstone, T.
Johnstone, T.A.
Jones, Pat
Jones, Richard
Kenward, H.K.
Keogh, J.
Keppie, L.J.F.
Kerr, J. Graham -
Kerr, W.B.
King, J.J.
King, Rosemary
King-Webster, W.A.
Kirkby, Magnus
Kirkland, P.
Kirkpatrick, H.
Kontrovitz, Mervin
Kucharski, K.
Lacaille, A.D.
Laidlaw, M.
Laing, L.R.
Landborough, D.
Lane, A.
Laurie, E.
Lawes-Marty, E.
Leader, M.
Learmonth, W.
Lebour, N.
Lee, F.
Leftwich, B.R.
Legge, M.D.
Lennon, W.
Lennox, J.
Lewis, F.J.
Lewis, J.H.
Lidderdale, J.D.
Lindsay, J.
Livens, R.G.
Livingston, Alistair
Livingstone, J.
Lockwood, D.
Lodge, A.
Logan, J.
Low, A.
Lowe, C.E.
Lyall, J.
Lytteil, W.
M'Andrew, J.
M'Cargo, J.
M'Caskie, N.J.
M'Conachie, G.
M'Conchie, Bailie -
M'Connel, E.W.J.
M'Connel, F.R.
M'Cormick, A.
M'Culloch, W. J.
M'Cutcheon, W.
M'Diarmid, W.
M'Donald, J.
M'Dowall, W.
M'Dowall, W. [Rev]
M'Dowell, T.K.
M'Gowan, B.
M'Guire, C.
M'Ilwraith, W.
M'Intire, W.T.
M'Kay, H.
M'Kerral, A.
M'Kerrow, M.H.
M'Kie, J.
M'Lean, M.D.
M'Meekan, Mr.
M'Michael, T.
M'Millan, W.
M'Nab, W.H.
M'Pherson, W.
Macdonald, A.R.
Macdonald, G.
Macdonald, I.S.
Macdonald, J.
Macdonald, J.A.D.J.
Macdonald, J.C.R.
MacFadzean, R.W.
Macfarlan, J.
MacIntosh, Robert
Mackay, H.
MacKechnie, A.
Mackenzie, J.R.
MacKie, J.D.
Mackinnell, W.A.
MacLean, A.
Macleod, Innes
Macmillan, N.
Macnae, W.
MacQueen, J.
MacRobert, A. E.
MacTaggart, Stewart, E.
Maguire, C.
Maitland, J.Pelham -
Maitland, P.S.
Makey, P.
Malcolm, C.A.
Mann, M'Lellan.L.
Marriott, C.
Marriott, C. H.
Marrs, H.
Marsden, D.E.
Marshall, J.
Marshall, T.R.
Martin, J.
Martin, J.D.S.
Martin, J.W.
Martin, M.E.R.
Masson, D.
Masters, L.J.
Mate, I.D.
Matthews, Christine
Matthewson, J.
Maxwell, H.
Maxwell, I.
Maxwell, J.
Maxwell, R.
Maxwell, S.
Maxwell, W.J.
Maxwell, Wellwood.
Maxwell, Witham, Mr.
Maxwell-Irving, A.M.T.
Maynard, D.
Maynard, D. et al
McCaig, E.
McCarthy, Michael
McClure, J.D.
McConnell, Archie
McCracken, Alex
McCrindle, J.
McCullagh, R.P.J.
McCulloch, A.J.
McCulloch, Stuart
McElvogue, Douglas
McGill, C.
McIver, J.A.
McKay, D.
McKinley, J.
McLaren, A.
McLay, James D.
McMullen, M.
McNish, W.J.
McQuarrie, A.
McWhannell, D.C.
McWilliam, J.M.
Mearns, B.
Mearns, R.
Mearns, R.J.
Megaw, B.R.S.
Meikle, H.W.
Melikian, M.
Menzies, J.M.
Mercer, R.
Merriman, M.
Meteorological, Office, Edinburgh
Miles, C.
Miller, F.
Miller , J.J.
Miller, M.
Miller, N.
Miller, S.
Milln, J.
Milne, Home, J.H.
Milne-Redhead, H.
Mitchell, A.
Mitchell, J.
Moffat, Dr
Moloney, Luke
Moore, J.N.
Moore, Phil
Moore, S.P.
Moran, J.
Moriarty, M.
Morrell, B.
Morris, R.W.B.
Morrison, A.
Morss, W.L.
Morton, A.S.
Morton, S.J.
Mounsey, A.
Muir, J.
Muir, Jean
Muir, Watt, J.
Mulholland, H.
Mullins, R.
Munro, M.A.R.
Munro, R.
Murchie, J.
Murray, A.
Murray, A.D.
Murray, Diana
Murray, J.
Murray, Jane
Murray, Jane -
Murray, Liam
Murray, R.B.
Murray, W.
Neighbour, T.
Neilson, G.
Nelson, J.M.
Nevay, N.
Newall, P.
Nicholson, A.
Nicolson, C.
Nisbet, H.
Niven, Mr-
Norman, Peter
North, O.H.
North, Solway Ringing Group
O'Neil, M.
O'Reilly, W.H.
Oram, R.D.
Ovens, T.T.
Owen, O.
Padley, Tim
Page, J.
Pallister, Alan
Parry, J.
Paterson, J. Wilson
Paterson, Michael Allen
Paton, H.D.
Patrick, D.
Pattison, Elaine
Paul, R.
Payne, J.W.
Peacock, J.
Penfold, H.
Penman, A.
Penman, A.C.
Penney, S.H.
Perkins, E.J.
Philip, L.J.
Pickin, J.
Pirie, E.
Placido, C.
Platt, M.I.
Pollock, D.
Pratt, Insh, G.
Prevost, W.A.J.
Priestly, J.W.
Pryde, G.S.
Pullen, O.J.
R., J.
Radford, C.A.R.
Rae, B.B.
Rae, E.B.
Rae, I.
Rae, R.Neill.
Rafferty, J.
Ragg, F.W.
Rain, T.
Ralston, I.
Ramsay, S.
Ransom, M.E.
Rapson, S.
Rees, T.
Reid, David
Reid, H.M.B.
Reid, J.
Reid, J.W.
Reid, R.C.
Reid, R.T.
Reilly, Valerie
Rennie, E.B.
Reynolds, D.M.
Richardson, J.R.
Richmond, I.A.
Riddle, G.
Rideout, J.S.
Rimmer, R.
Ritchie, J.
Ritchie, J.N.G.
Robertson, A. [Headmaster Hoddom Public School]
Robertson, A.S.
Robertson, Alex.
Robertson, C.S.
Robertson, G.P.
Robertson, J.
Robertson, L.
Robinson-Douglas, W.D.
Robison, J.
Robson, J.D.
Robson, R.
Rochester, M.
Rodda, J.T.
Roddick, J.
Roe, F.E.S.
Rogers, B.M.H.
Rollie, Chris
Romanes, J.M.
Romans, J.C.C.
Ronan, D.
Rose, D. Murray
Rose, D.Murray
Rose, R.
Ross, J.Maxwell
Ross, J.Maxwell -
Ruckley, N.
Russell, M.J.
Rutherford, J.
Rynne, E.
Sassoon, J.
Saunders, F.W.
Savage, G.M.A.
Saville, A.
Scaife, R.
Scaife, R.G.
Scott, F.
Scott, I.G.
Scott, J.G.
Scott, J.N.
Scott, W.
Scott, W.A.
Scott-Elliot, G.F.
Scott-Elliot, J.
Seaward, M.R.D.
Semple, Dr
Semple, W.
Service, M.
Service, R.
Shannon, J.P.
Sharp, D.
Sharp, Dr. [of Eccles]
Shaw, G.
Shaw, J.
Shepherd, C.E.
Shepherd, I.A.G.
Sheridan, A.
Shiel, D.
Shields, J.
Shillitoe, J.S.
Shirley, E.
Shirley, G.W.
Shirley, Mrs G.W.
Shukman, A.
Simpson, A.
Simpson, D.D.A.
Simpson, M.
Simpson, Mr (Crichton Institution)
Simpson, P.
Simpson, R.
Simpson, W.D.
Skilling, D.
Skilling, S.R.
Skirving, A.
Smith, A. Cameron
Smith, A. Cameron -
Smith, A. Lorrain -
Smith, I.M.
Smith, M.C.
Smith, R.
Smith, R.T.
Smith, W. Wright-
Smout, T.C.
Spaul, J.E.H.
Spence, T.F.
Spicer, J.I.
Squires, R.
St Joseph, J.K.
Stark, W.A.
Starke, J.
Starke, J.G. Hamilton
Starke, J.G. Hamilton -
Starke, Mr. -
Steel, David
Stell, G.
Stenhouse, M.
Stephen, A.C.
Stephen, W.L.
Stephens, T.D.
Stevenson, A.H.
Stevenson, R.B.K.
Stevenson, S.
Stevenson, Tim
Stewart, F.J.
Stewart, I.
Stewart, I.F.
Stewart, J.
Stewart, M.M.
Stewart, O.
Stirling, A.McG.
Stone, J.C.
Strachan, R.J.
Strathern, A.
Stringer, K.
Stuart, Lord D.
Suddaby, Ian
Sulley, P.
Swan, J.
Swinbank, B.
Tabraham, C.
Tabraham, C.J.
Talbot, E.J.
Tanner, S.
Tarbet, R.F.
Taylor, H.W.Y.
Taylor, J.
Taylor, J.J.
Taylor, M.
Taylor, Pam
Taylor, R.H.
Taylor, T.L.
Terry, J.
Theaker, J.H.
Thomas, C.
Thomas, D.
Thomas, G.
Thompson, (Mrs) -
Thomson, G.
Thomson, J.
Thomson, J.C.
Thomson, J.H.
Thomson, J.Ramsay
Thomson, J.S.
Threlfell, J.
Tierney, C.
Timpany, Scott
Todd, J.G.
Tomter, A.
Tooley, Michael J.
Toolis, Eileen
Toolis, Francis
Toolis, Ronan
Torrance, M.
Toynbee, J.M.C.
Trotter, Dr.
Troup, C.
Troyer, G.
Truckell, A.E.
Tucker, D.G.
Tucker, M.
Turner, Louise
Turner, R.
Underwood, T.
Unwin, B.
Veitch, H.G.J.
Vernon, J.J.
Wade, Evens, A.W.
Wailes, B.
Wallace, C.
Wallace, J.C.
Wallace, R.
Walton, J.
Watson, A.D.
Watson, G.
Watson, G.P.H.
Watson, W.J.
Watt, A.
Watt, J.
Waugh, W.
Webster, A.B.
Webster, B.
Wegner, T.
Weir, R.W.
Welsh, T.C.
Welsh, W.W.
Whellens, W.H.
White, M.
Whitelaw, H.A.
Whitelaw, J.W.
Whitfield, N.
Wickham-Jones, C.R.
Wilkins, Frances
Wilkins, M.A.
Wilkinson, J.R.
Wilkinson, S.
Will, R.
Williams, A.R.
Williams, B.R.H.
Williams, D.
Williams, G.H.
Williams, J.L.
Williams, James
Williams, Morag
Williams, P.G.
Wilson, A.
Wilson, D.A.
Wilson, G.
Wilson, I.
Wilson, J.
Wilson, J.B.
Wilson, J.R.
Wilson, John B.
Wilson, P.A.
Wilson, T.
Wilthew, P.
Wolffe, A.
Wood, J.S.
Wood-Gee, Chris
Yates, M.J.
Yeoman, Peter
Yonge, G.M.
Young, A.
Young, D.
Young, J.
Young, J.F.
Young, J.G.
Young, R.T.