W. M'Diarmid
Articles by this author
Finding of human bones in a building adjoining Sweetheart Abbey [Summary only] TDGNHAS Series I, 1 (1862-63), 8(2.74 MB) |
Jottings of the Forty - Five [Summary only] TDGNHAS Series I, 1 (1862-63), 12(2.74 MB) |
On the Recent Discovery of a Stone Coffin in Lochar Moss near Tinwald Downs [Mention only] Prehistory (General), Archaeology (General) TDGNHAS Series I, 2 (1863-64), 2(3.72 MB) |
The Lady Devorgilla TDGNHAS Series I, 2 (1863-64), 53(3.72 MB) |
How Quackery was Treated in Dumfries in 1739 Parish History, History, Recent, Recent (Social) TDGNHAS Series I, 2 (1863-64), 57(3.72 MB) |
Extracts from the Minutes of the Dumfries Town Council Recent, Recent (Social), Parish History, History, Genealogy TDGNHAS Series I, 2 (1863-64), 60(3.72 MB) |
The Regulation of Farm Servants in Dumfriesshire in 1751 Recent, Recent (Social), Agriculture, History TDGNHAS Series I, 3 (1864-65), 37(3.77 MB) |
Poor Laws in Dumfriesshire in 1750 Recent, Recent (Social), Genealogy, History TDGNHAS Series I, 3 (1864-65), 58(3.77 MB) |
Entomology Notes from the Vice President,1866 TDGNHAS Series I, 4 (1865-66), 13(WARNING large file size: 6.18 MB) |
Zoological Notes from the Address of the Vice President, 1866 TDGNHAS Series I, 4 (1865-66), 13(WARNING large file size: 6.18 MB) |
Botanical Notes from the Vice President, 1866 TDGNHAS Series I, 4 (1865-66), 14(WARNING large file size: 6.18 MB) |
Review and Comments upon Professor Stephens Publication on the Ruthwell Cross TDGNHAS Series I, 4 (1865-66), 15(WARNING large file size: 6.18 MB) |
A Border Thief of the Last [18C.] Century Recent, Recent (Social), Genealogy TDGNHAS Series I, 4 (1865-66), 61(WARNING large file size: 6.18 MB) |
Extracts from the Records of an Old Criminal Trial which took Place in the Court House of Dumfries in the Year 1727 [Mention only] History, Parish History, Recent (Social) TDGNHAS Series I, 5 (1866-67), 3(2.54 MB) |