
Articles tagged with the topic ‘Botany’

Displaying 1 - 50 of 471


Jackie Card

The Crichton Royal Institution Gardens: From Inception to 1933

Botany, Recent (Social), Parish History, Garden History

TDGNHAS Series III, 86 (2012), 1(4.08 MB)


The Truckell Prize is awarded by the Society for the purposes of both commemorating the late A. E. Truckell and his outstanding contribution to local studies in Dumfries and Galloway, and of forging closer links with the Universities of Glasgow and of the West of Scotland on the Crichton Campus, Dumfries. The Prize is awarded annually for the best original research paper by an undergraduate or postgraduate student from the Crichton Campus on a human or natural history topic relating to the geographical area covered by the three former counties of Dumfriesshire, Kirkcudbrightshire and Wigtownshire. In 2011, the Truckell Prize was won by Jacky Card for this paper.


Morag Williams

Rosa Gigantea – ‘Sir George Watt’ Part II: Including ‘Sir George Watt’ Escorts ‘Banaras Dawn’ to Scotland by Girija Viraraghavan

Botany, Recent

TDGNHAS Series III, 85 (2011), 1(3.42 MB)


Readers of the Transactions issue LXXXIV 2010 will recall the story of Rosa Gigantea ‘Sir George Watt’, which ended on a note of hope that the rose might be grown successfully in Scotland. There was great despair at the lack of success of the various packages which had been sent from India at considerable cost by the ever-hopeful Girija Viraraghavan and her husband, Viru. In Scotland, Richard Baines at Logan Botanic Garden in the West of Dumfries and Galloway remained just as optimistic and willing to keep trying to achieve success. After two failed attempts Morag Williams perhaps planted the seed of an idea in Girija’s mind, which lay dormant because there did not seem to any possibility of its happening. She said that the main reason for the lack of success seemed to be the time taken by these tender cuttings to reach their destination in Scotland and receive attention. If only someone travelling from India to the UK could bring them by air it would improve the chances of success. Better still, if a rooted plant, instead of cuttings, could arrive by this means there would be greater hope of a successful outcome. Even so, such a move would provide another hurdle to overcome: a plant would require certification to travel. There follows in Girija’s own words the second instalment of the journeying of the Rosa Gigantea ‘Sir George Watt’ from India to Scotland, which first appeared in January 2011 in The Indian Rose Annual XXVII 2011. Girija has kindly given consent for publication in the Transactions.


Morag Williams

Rosa Gigantea - George Watt, including ‘On the Trail of Two Knights’ by Girija Viraraghavan

Botany, Recent

TDGNHAS Series III, 84 (2010), 1(3.44 MB)


The Eskdale and Liddesdale Advertiser of 14th October 2009 published an article by retired Langholm General Practitioner, Tom Kennedy, which began: ‘A NEW rose with Langholm connections has been cultivated in India and it is hoped that it may one day be planted in the Rosevale Street garden in the future.’ (More of this garden in Langholm later.) He might have added that across Dumfries and Galloway and in Grampian there are other sites which would welcome the opportunity to plant this tender and beautiful rose because of associations with Sir George Watt and involvement in attempts at its propagation in Scotland. The following article appeared in The Indian Rose Annual, XXVI, 2010, the magazine of the Indian Rose Federation, founded in 1979. It appears by kind permission of Girija and Viru Viraraghavan, recognised as celebrated ‘Rosarians of the World’.


B. Unwin

Plants of Australia and New Zealand

Botany, Proceedings

TDGNHAS Series III, 82 (2008), 157(2.63 MB)


Mr Unwin took advantage of an organised group visit to the Antipodes to go plant-hunting in the South Island of New Zealand and Tasmania in 1996, since when he has made return visits to the latter. It was mid-summer with temperatures of 30 degrees C when


S. Ramsay, J.J. Miller and R.A. Housley

Paleoenvironmental Investigations of Rispain Mire, Whithorn

Quaternary geology, Botany, Archaeology (General), Prehistory (General), Mesolithic, Iron Age, Early Mediaeval, Neolithic

TDGNHAS Series III, 81 (2007), 35(2.95 MB)


On behalf of the Whithorn Trust, and with support from Historic Scotland, a palaeoenvironmental study was carried out on a wet fen/mire located 400 m south of Rispain Camp, an Iron Age site in Galloway. The investigation revealed a good lateglacial and ea


R. Mearns and B. Mearns

The Breeding Birds of the Solway Islands

Botany, Zoology, Ornithology

TDGNHAS Series III, 81 (2007), 7(2.95 MB)


The Solway islands are little known beyond Dumfries and Galloway, indeed several books about the islands of Scotland omit them altogether (e.g. H.Haswell-Smith. 2004. 'The Scottish Islands a comprehensive guide to every Scottish island)'. Progressing fr


B. Mearns

The Dragonflies and Damselflies breeding in Dumfries and Galloway 1975-2006

Entomology, Botany

TDGNHAS Series III, 81 (2007), 1(2.95 MB)


The Atlas of the dragonflies of Britain and Ireland (Merritt et al 1996) showed the distribution of thirteen breeding species in Dumfries and Galloway (D&G) for the period 1975-1990. Barbara Mearns began recording in 1993 and during the summers of 1993-20


A.R. Williams and P.G. Williams

A Field-Study Meeting in Galloway, August 1939: The Institute of Sociology, Le Play House

Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Geology, Botany, Archaeology (General), Agriculture, Industrial Archaeology, History, Antiquarian, Field Meeting

TDGNHAS Series III, 80 (2006), 143(3.8 MB)


Between 1st and 15th August 1939 the Institute of Sociology, Le Play House, 35 Gordon Square, London held a field study meeting in Galloway. Centred on Newton Stewart the group set out to investigate the natural history, history and social science of the


J.C. Henderson, B.A. Crone and M.G. Cavers

The South West Crannog Survey: Recent Work on the lake dwellings of Dumfries and Galloway

Prehistory (General), Iron Age, Roman and Romano British, Early Mediaeval, Mediaeval, Botany

TDGNHAS Series III, 80 (2006), 29(3.8 MB)


The second season of the SWCS Phase 2 was carried out in September 2003 and January 2004 and comprised detailed digital survey of submerged and dry areas of selected crannog sites in Dumfries and Galloway. Small scale underwater excavations at one site, L


A. Hall

Environmental Remains Report for Bronze Age Settlement Excavations at Ross Bay, Kirkcudbright


TDGNHAS Series III, 79 (2005), 61(4.05 MB)


Report on the environmental remains recovered during the Excavations of a Bronze Age Settlement Site at Ross Bay, Kirkcudbright


D. Ronan and J. Higgins with P. Makey, C. McGill, A. Hall and J. Cowgill

Bronze Age Settlement at Ross Bay, Kirkcudbright

Archaeology (General), Prehistory (General), Mesolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Botany, Post-mediaeval archaeology, Recent

TDGNHAS Series III, 79 (2005), 47(4.05 MB)


In January 2002, during the archaeological monitoring of topsoil stripping for the construction corridor of a 1.2km gas pipeline at Ross Bay, near Kirkcudbright, Dumfries and Galloway, previously unknown archaeological remains were recorded at three locat


A. Dalton

Preliminary Survey of the Macrophyte Flora of Loch Skeen, Dumfriesshire

Quaternary geology, Biology, Botany

TDGNHAS Series III, 79 (2005), 21(4.05 MB)


Loch Skeen (or Skene, NT 171 165) is a moraine dammed loch lying in a NNW/SSE direction in an upland corrie basin. It lies within Grey Mare’s Tail SSSI, owned by the National Trust for Scotland. A description of the site is given by Mackinlay (2003). The


J.C. Henderson, B.A. Crone and M.G. Cavers

A Condition Survey of Selected Crannogs in south-west Scotland

Prehistory (General), Iron Age, Roman and Romano British, Early Mediaeval, Mediaeval, Botany

TDGNHAS Series III, 77 (2003), 79(1.68 MB)


The first phase of the South-West Scotland Crannog Survey, the primary fieldwork for which was carried out in 1989, examined the assumption that submerged crannogs in the south-west were relatively stable while their counterparts on drained land were rapi


R.J. Mearns

Juniper, Juniperus Communis, in Dumfries and Galloway


TDGNHAS Series III, 75 (2001), 1(1.92 MB)


This paper presents the results of the first intensive survey of juniper in Dumfries and Galloway. A review of the historical literature showed that colonies had become extinct in the 19th century as well as in more recent times. A field survey carried ou