
Articles tagged with the topic ‘Biology’

Displaying 1 - 14 of 14


A. Dalton

Preliminary Survey of the Macrophyte Flora of Loch Skeen, Dumfriesshire

Quaternary geology, Biology, Botany

TDGNHAS Series III, 79 (2005), 21(4.05 MB)


Loch Skeen (or Skene, NT 171 165) is a moraine dammed loch lying in a NNW/SSE direction in an upland corrie basin. It lies within Grey Mare’s Tail SSSI, owned by the National Trust for Scotland. A description of the site is given by Mackinlay (2003). The


N. Chisholm

The River Annan District Salmon Fishery Board River Management

Proceedings, Biology, Zoology

TDGNHAS Series III, 78 (2004), 156(4.91 MB)


Summary of a lecture delivered to the Society on 19th March 2004 by Nick Chisholm, Environmental Manager to the River Annan District Salmon Fishery Board. The River Annan is unaffected by hydro-electric power schemes, unlike so many Highland rivers, and i


R. Elmhurst

The Seashore


TDGNHAS Series III, 21 (1936-38), 323(WARNING very large file size: 68.9 MB)


Mr Elmhurst gave a most interesting address on the various creatures that may be met with on an ordinary stretch of Scittish west coast seaboard, showing the difference in marine life on sandy, rocky, and other types of shore, and added a short account of


J. Taylor

Genetics:The Science of Heredity [Summary only]


TDGNHAS Series III, 20 (1935-36), 35(WARNING very large file size: 60.71 MB)


The lecturer described the discoveries of Mendel and some of his experiments in detail, and then explained briefly the principles of cell structure and the transmission of certain characteristics, e.g., sex.
The lecture was fully illustrated by diagrams