E. Geoffrey Hancock, Ronald M. Dobson and James Williams
The Reverend William Little (1797? – 1867), A Preliminary account of his Entomological Activities
TDGNHAS Series III, 83 (2009), 5(WARNING large file size: 5.11 MB)
3083-2E. Geoffrey Hancock, Ronald M. Dobson and James Williams The Reverend William Little (1797? – 1867), A Preliminary account of his Entomological Activities TDGNHAS Series III, 83 (2009), 5(WARNING large file size: 5.11 MB) |
2018-21Notes on the Tastes of Bees in Colour TDGNHAS Series II, 18 (1905-06), 141(WARNING very large file size: 11.24 MB) |
3082-23Scottish and Bulgarian Butterflies TDGNHAS Series III, 82 (2008), 156(2.63 MB)
Mr Kirkland made a comment at the start of his talk that it might seem to be an odd title for his talk to link the butterflies of Scotland with those of Bulgaria. There were two main reasons for the choice. Firstly the contrast between the two countries |
3081-1The Dragonflies and Damselflies breeding in Dumfries and Galloway 1975-2006 TDGNHAS Series III, 81 (2007), 1(2.95 MB)
The Atlas of the dragonflies of Britain and Ireland (Merritt et al 1996) showed the distribution of thirteen breeding species in Dumfries and Galloway (D&G) for the period 1975-1990. Barbara Mearns began recording in 1993 and during the summers of 1993-20 |
3079-1The Rook in Dumfriesshire: A 2004 profile Meteorology, Biology, Botany, Zoology, Ornithology, Entomology, Agriculture TDGNHAS Series III, 79 (2005), 1(4.05 MB)
Rooks have nested in Dumfriesshire since time immemorial and their numbers have been surveyed since at least 1908. During the decade (1993-2003) they decreased dramatically by 30% and by a further 5% between 2003 and 2004. The climate and topography are c |
3078-26Forestry and Ecology Biology, Zoology, Ornithology, Proceedings, Botany, Entomology TDGNHAS Series III, 78 (2004), 155(4.91 MB)
Summary of a lecture delivered to the Society on 6th February 2004 by Stan Tanner, Planning and Environment Forester, Forest Enterprise. Forestry Enterprise manage the Forestry Commission estate to create attractive productive woodland and manage them fo |
3071-1Rev. Wm. Little: Incumbant in Kirkpatrick- Juxta Parish Botany, Entomology, Genealogy, Recent, Recent (Social), History, Parish History TDGNHAS Series III, 71 (1996), 1(2.35 MB) |
3067-15Obituary: David Cunningham, M.A. TDGNHAS Series III, 67 (1992), 93(WARNING very large file size: 28.8 MB) |
3056-15Moths Taken at East Park Farm, Caerlaverock, Dumfriesshire TDGNHAS Series III, 56 (1981), 110(WARNING very large file size: 42.64 MB) |
3055-11Ground Beetles (Coleoptera. Carabidae) Collected in Galloway during July 1978 TDGNHAS Series III, 55 (1980), 173(WARNING very large file size: 42.93 MB) |
3048-3Records of Hemiptera-Heteroptera fromTynron National Nature Reserve, Dumfriesshire TDGNHAS Series III, 48 (1971), 69(WARNING very large file size: 24.76 MB) |
3047-3True Bugs (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) from Kirkconnel Flow National Nature Reserve TDGNHAS Series III, 47 (1970), 15(WARNING very large file size: 71.98 MB) |
3044-3The Aquatic Fauna of the Isle of May, Fife, Scotland Botany, Zoology, Entomology, Ornithology TDGNHAS Series III, 44 (1967), 16(WARNING very large file size: 102.28 MB) |
3030-12Moths taken at Light in 1951 in Dumfriesshire and Eastern Kirkcudbright TDGNHAS Series III, 30 (1951-52), 166(WARNING very large file size: 74.48 MB) |
3028-25Exhibits Mediaeval, Neolithic, Entomology, Roman and Romano British, Recent TDGNHAS Series III, 28 (1949-50), 227(WARNING very large file size: 31.57 MB) |
3028-15A List of the Tipulinae of the Solway Area TDGNHAS Series III, 28 (1949-50), 157(WARNING very large file size: 31.57 MB) |
3028-14Butterflies and Moths of the Solway Area: Further Additions and Notes TDGNHAS Series III, 28 (1949-50), 150(WARNING very large file size: 31.57 MB) |
3027-16Presentations Recent (Social), Entomology, Recent (Literature & Art), Numismatics, Recent TDGNHAS Series III, 27 (1948-49), 216(WARNING very large file size: 57.92 MB) |
3025-11The Life History of Grasshoppers [Summary only] TDGNHAS Series III, 25 (1946-47), 75(WARNING very large file size: 36.46 MB) |
3025-9Butterflies and Moths of the Solway Area: Additions and Notes on some other species TDGNHAS Series III, 25 (1946-47), 69(WARNING very large file size: 36.46 MB) |
3024-29Field Meeting. Nith Bridge, Tibbers Castle and Drumlanrig Woods Mediaeval, Early Mediaeval, Botany, Ornithology, Entomology, Field Meeting TDGNHAS Series III, 24 (1945-46), 193(WARNING very large file size: 33.31 MB) |
3024-28Field Meeting. Colvend Coast Ornithology, Entomology, Field Meeting TDGNHAS Series III, 24 (1945-46), 193(WARNING very large file size: 33.31 MB) |
3024-19Notes on Immigrant Moths TDGNHAS Series III, 24 (1945-46), 99(WARNING very large file size: 33.31 MB) |
3023-45The Aquatic Coleoptera of the Solway Up to Date TDGNHAS Series III, 23 (1940-44), 164(WARNING very large file size: 40.26 MB) |
3023-44The Aquatic and Semi-Aquatic Hemiptera (Water Bugs) of the Solway District TDGNHAS Series III, 23 (1940-44), 156(WARNING very large file size: 40.26 MB) |
3023-41Solitary Bees and Wasps [Mention only] TDGNHAS Series III, 23 (1940-44), 155(WARNING very large file size: 40.26 MB) |
3023-32A List of the Coleoptera of the Solway District of Scotland TDGNHAS Series III, 23 (1940-44), 118(WARNING very large file size: 40.26 MB) |
3023-24Insects and Flowers [Summary only] TDGNHAS Series III, 23 (1940-44), 115(WARNING very large file size: 40.26 MB)
This lecture dealt with the adaptation of flowers for insect polination |
3023-14The Life History of the Dragon Fly [Summary only] TDGNHAS Series III, 23 (1940-44), 40(WARNING very large file size: 40.26 MB) |
3023-12Social Wasps in the Solway Area TDGNHAS Series III, 23 (1940-44), 36(WARNING very large file size: 40.26 MB) |
3023-5The Domestic Affairs of Caterpillars [Mention only] TDGNHAS Series III, 23 (1940-44), 10(WARNING very large file size: 40.26 MB)
Published in Proc. Zoo. Soc. (1933) |
3022-26A Deal in Cattle 200 Years Ago Entomology, Recent, Recent (Literature & Art), Recent (Social), Genealogy TDGNHAS Series III, 22 (1938-40), 172(WARNING very large file size: 54.53 MB) |
3020-11The Ideal Burgh Museum Recent (Social), Archaeology (General), Agriculture, Entomology, Museums TDGNHAS Series III, 20 (1935-36), 65(WARNING very large file size: 60.71 MB) |
3020-9Adventures Among Dumfriesshire Insects TDGNHAS Series III, 20 (1935-36), 46(WARNING very large file size: 60.71 MB) |
3019-32Life in Ponds and Ditches Biology, Botany, Zoology, Entomology TDGNHAS Series III, 19 (1933-35), 311(WARNING very large file size: 50.85 MB) |
3019-6The Humble Bee [Summary only] TDGNHAS Series III, 19 (1933-35), 53(WARNING very large file size: 50.85 MB)
Mr A. Duncan, Gilchristland, who has made an extensive study of this subject, gave a very interesting lecture on "The Humble Bee", illustrating his remarks by various specimens which he brought with him. As the lecture was in general terms with no local a |
3015-25Exhibits Recent, Numismatics, Prehistory (General), Botany, Entomology, Ethnography, Recent (Literature & Art) TDGNHAS Series III, 15 (1928-29), 182(WARNING very large file size: 53.7 MB) |
3015-5Notes Upon Caltha Palustris, Linn Botany, Entomology, Quaternary geology TDGNHAS Series III, 15 (1928-29), 57(WARNING very large file size: 53.7 MB) |
3011-6Bracken and Heather Burning Botany, Agriculture, Entomology, Recent (Social) TDGNHAS Series III, 11 (1923-24), 87(WARNING very large file size: 45.36 MB) |
3007-7A List of the Coleoptera of the Solway District TDGNHAS Series III, 7 (1919-20), 62(WARNING very large file size: 32.18 MB) |
3006-17The Lepidoptera of Wigtownshire Part II TDGNHAS Series III, 6 (1918-19), 156(WARNING very large file size: 54.31 MB) |
3006-8Insect Enemies in Mesopotamia [Summary only] TDGNHAS Series III, 6 (1918-19), 48(WARNING very large file size: 54.31 MB)
This most interesting paper, which deserves a wider publicity, was contributed by the late Entomologist to the Forces in Mesopotamia. The author gave a full account of parasites which were disease and fever carriers, and the measures taken for their exter |
3005-17Some Observations on the occurrence of Culex Pipiens in 1917 TDGNHAS Series III, 5 (1916-18), 183(WARNING very large file size: 17.97 MB) |
3005-13Extracts from Weather and other Nature Notes taken at Jardington during 1916 Meteorology, Ornithology, Botany, Entomology TDGNHAS Series III, 5 (1916-18), 143(WARNING very large file size: 17.97 MB) |
3003-12Weather and Other Notes taken at Jardington during 1914 Meteorology, Botany, Ornithology, Entomology TDGNHAS Series III, 3 (1914-15), 279(WARNING very large file size: 19.8 MB) |
3002-19A List of the Coleoptera of the Solway District Part II TDGNHAS Series III, 2 (1913-14), 234(WARNING very large file size: 16.79 MB) |
3002-12Birds that are Land and Water Feeders Ornithology, Entomology, Zoology TDGNHAS Series III, 2 (1913-14), 135(WARNING very large file size: 16.79 MB) |
3001-14Weather and other Notes taken at Jardington during 1912 Meteorology, Botany, Ornithology, Entomology TDGNHAS Series III, 1 (1912-13), 211(WARNING very large file size: 21.99 MB) |