A Real Spy-Hunt in the Galloway Hills
Recent (Literature & Art), Biography, Military History
TDGNHAS Series III, 89 (2015), 199(4.65 MB)
3089-11A Real Spy-Hunt in the Galloway Hills Recent (Literature & Art), Biography, Military History TDGNHAS Series III, 89 (2015), 199(4.65 MB) |
3089-6The Dumfries and Galloway Enlightenment History, Emigration, Biography, Antiquarian, Recent (Literature & Art) TDGNHAS Series III, 89 (2015), 75(4.65 MB)
This article seeks to explore and assess enlightenment influence upon the inhabitants of Dumfries and Galloway. There is a substantial and ever-increasing literature about the subject for Scotland as a whole, though almost nothing concerning our three south-western counties. That has now changed during the last few years with the appearance of several studies which are of great assistance in our doonhame quest. |
3087-3The Founding of Our Society 1862: Contemporary Context and Cultural Climate History, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art) TDGNHAS Series III, 87 (2013), 15(WARNING large file size: 5.67 MB)
It is truly an honour to be invited to speak on this auspicious occasion, which I see as an opportunity to reflect on some of the great achievements and some of the great achievers in Dumfries and Galloway around the time the Society was founded on 20 November 1862. A secondary theme is the relationship of most of these people with the unique landscape of the region and the influence of the environment upon them. In 1862 most of the population of the three south-western counties still depended upon the land for their material existence. A remarkable number became naturalists, while poets and writers celebrated Nature’s heritage in the beauty of their surroundings. In a Christian era many were concerned with the wonder of Creation rather than with any sense of ‘blood and soil’ or lebensraum, with celebrating the joy of their environs rather than environmental determinism. |
3087-2The Founding and Early History of Our Society History, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art) TDGNHAS Series III, 87 (2013), 5(WARNING large file size: 5.67 MB)
Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society celebrated its 150th year in 2012. To mark the anniversary the Society held a one-day conference on Saturday, 8 September 2012. The President of the Society, Dr Francis Toolis, opened the event with a history of the early days of the Society. He recounted something of the lives of founders such as Dr Gilchrist, the second Physician Superintendent at the Crichton Royal Institution and Dr Grierson of Thornhill, whose remarkable private museum was the inspiration for the African explorer, Joseph Thomson, also a member of the Society, the man after whom the Thomson gazelle is named and the inspiration himself for Sir H. Rider Haggard’s King Solomon’s Mines. Sir William Jardine of Applegarth, a true polymath and the author of many books, was the Society’s first President. Among the later members was Samuel Arnott, one-time Provost of Maxwelltown, who wrote extensively for the Society’s Transactions and was recognised in his time as a world authority on snowdrops. This is the text of the President’s opening address. |
3086-10Joseph Train, Antiquarianism and the Statistical Accounts of Scotland and Man Recent (Literature & Art), Antiquarian, Biography TDGNHAS Series III, 86 (2012), 175(4.08 MB)
Although Joseph Train (1779-1852), the celebrated antiquarian and associate of Sir Walter Scott, was an Ayrshireman, he was based for the principal part of his career in Dumfriesshire and Galloway.2 Train’s antiquarian endeavours have been noted in these Transactions on previous occasions as have the Statistical Accounts.3 This article argues that antiquarianism had a considerable impact on the Statistical Accounts and notes Train’s contribution to them in particular. It also suggests that Train’s production of a Statistical Account of the Isle of Man (1845) was the direct result of his involvement with Scott, ‘statistics’ and South-West Scotland; and that his work on Man should be seen as an expression of territorial identity within an over-arching and increasingly patriotic British state. The article begins by contrasting the background and career of Train with the principal authors of the Accounts, the ministers of the Church of Scotland, as a means of emphasising his achievements. |
3085-10Joseph Train, Robert Malcolmson and the Collection of Folklore for (Sir) Walter Scott and James Hogg Recent (Literature & Art), Folklore TDGNHAS Series III, 85 (2011), 161(3.42 MB) |
3084-11Two Letters from Joseph Train Relating to His Early Literary Career and Collaboration with (Sir) Walter Scott TDGNHAS Series III, 84 (2010), 161(3.44 MB)
A recent review of the archive collections held in The Stewartry Museum, Kirkcudbright has brought to light two letters2 written by Joseph Train to his friend John Stobo, a Sergeant in the Ayrshire Militia. Joseph Train (1779-1852) was an Excise officer from 1808, working in various parts of Scotland until his retirement to Castle Douglas. He was one of south west Scotland’s earliest antiquaries and is particularly known as a correspondent of Sir Walter Scott for whom he collected and supplied traditional and historical information from this area3 . This information inspired and provided the historical basis for several of Scott’s poetical and prose works. |
3083-19Elshieshiels Records Recent (Literature & Art), Parish History TDGNHAS Series III, 83 (2009), 236(WARNING large file size: 5.11 MB) |
3083-14Strolling Players, Minstrels and Living People: Entertainers in Galloway and in Dumfries 1861-1871 Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art) TDGNHAS Series III, 83 (2009), 181(WARNING large file size: 5.11 MB) |
3083-13The Birtwhistles of Galloway and Craven: Drovers, Industrialists, Writers and Spies Agriculture, Recent (Literature & Art), Industrial Archaeology, History, Genealogy TDGNHAS Series III, 83 (2009), 151(WARNING large file size: 5.11 MB) |
3082-33The History of Cally Designed Landscape Proceedings, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), History, Agriculture TDGNHAS Series III, 82 (2008), 160(2.63 MB)
A presentation which revealed how the Murray family developed their parks and pleasure grounds at Cally, Gatehouse of Fleet. Although the designed landscape is now largely hidden by forestry planting many historical features are still recognisable and hel |
3082-31Church of Scotland Silver Proceedings, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art) TDGNHAS Series III, 82 (2008), 160(2.63 MB)
The illustrated talk was a journey from about 1600 to the late 20th century, showing how communion vessels developed in the Church of Scotland. The earlier cups date from 1617 when the Scottish Parliament passed an act that communion should be dispensed |
3082-22Favourites from the Stewartry Museum Proceedings, Museums, History, Recent (Literature & Art), Recent (Social) TDGNHAS Series III, 82 (2008), 156(2.63 MB)
In an illustrated lecture, the retiring President, David Devereux, Museums Curator for the Stewartry in Dumfries and Galloway Museums Service, presented a wide variety of archaeological and local historical artefacts, fine and decorative art, photographs, |
3082-10Sir Herbert Maxwell: Chairman of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historic Monuments of Scotland 1908-1934 Archaeology (General), Prehistory (General), Antiquarian, Recent, Recent (Literature & Art), Genealogy TDGNHAS Series III, 82 (2008), 115(2.63 MB)
The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland was established by Royal Warrant in February 1908, entrusted with the task of making an inventory of the ancient and historical monuments and constructions connected with or illustra |
3082-9The Development of Cally Designed Landscape Geography, Agriculture, Botany, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), History, Genealogy TDGNHAS Series III, 82 (2008), 95(2.63 MB)
This report has arisen from the production of a management plan for Cally designed landscape for the Gatehouse Development Initiative in 2007. That plan is a practical tool to inform management and maintenance of the landscape and interpretation and enjoy |
3082-5A Possible Discoid Gravemarker at Kirkconnel Lea Early Mediaeval, Mediaeval, Recent, Recent (Literature & Art), Architecture TDGNHAS Series III, 82 (2008), 51(2.63 MB)
The old ruined church and graveyard at Kirkconnel Lea on the Springkell Estate near Eaglesfield (NGR: NY 250753) is best known for its association with ‘Fair Helen’ Irving or Bell and her betrothed Adam Fleming de Kirkpatrick. This connection dominates th |
3081-11E A Hornel and Kirkcudbright Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), History, Parish History, Genealogy TDGNHAS Series III, 81 (2007), 115(2.95 MB)
This paper is based on the script of a lecture entitled ‘E A Hornel Citizen of Kirkcudbright’ presented by the author as a contribution to a study day arranged by the National Trust for Scotland, which took place in Kirkcudbright, on May 13 2006. |
3081-8Notices in Scottish Newspapers Relating to Dumfriesshire and Galloway 1699-1722 Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Genealogy TDGNHAS Series III, 81 (2007), 77(2.95 MB)
The notices and advertisements in this article were taken from The Edinburgh Gazette (1699-1708), The Edinburgh Courant (1705-06) and 1708-10), The Scots Courant (1710-20), The Edinburgh Evening Courant (1718-22), The Caledonian Mercury (1720), and The We |
3080-17We Will Remember Them - Kirkcudbright's Sons 1914-18 by Ian Devlin. A Review Review, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), History, Parish History TDGNHAS Series III, 80 (2006), 173(3.8 MB)
Review of Ian Devlin's booklet 'We Will Remember Them - Kirkcudbright's Sons 1914-18' produced by the Stewartry Museum. |
3080-16Kirkcudbright Pont-Aven: Artists in Search of Inspiration by David Devereux, John Hudson and Catherine Paget. A Review Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art) TDGNHAS Series III, 80 (2006), 172(3.8 MB)
A review of the Stewartry Museum booklet 'Kirkcudbright Pont-Aven: Artists in Search of Inspiration' by David Devereux, John Hudson and Catherine Paget. For those who enjoyed the ‘Kirkcudbright-Pont Aven’ exhibition at the Tolbooth in 2004 this beautifull |
3080-15Dorothy L Sayers in Galloway by Christopher Dean. A Review Review, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Genealogy TDGNHAS Series III, 80 (2006), 171(3.8 MB)
An extensive review of the Stewartry Museum publication 'Dorothy L Sayers in Galloway' by Christopher Dean. The reviewer provides additional notes on Sayers, her local connections and explanations of local practices and background. |
3080-11A.R. Williams and P.G. Williams A Field-Study Meeting in Galloway, August 1939: The Institute of Sociology, Le Play House Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Geology, Botany, Archaeology (General), Agriculture, Industrial Archaeology, History, Antiquarian, Field Meeting TDGNHAS Series III, 80 (2006), 143(3.8 MB)
Between 1st and 15th August 1939 the Institute of Sociology, Le Play House, 35 Gordon Square, London held a field study meeting in Galloway. Centred on Newton Stewart the group set out to investigate the natural history, history and social science of the |
3079-29John Hutton MD and the Dumfries Presbytery Library Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Antiquarian, Genealogy TDGNHAS Series III, 79 (2005), 192(4.05 MB)
Summary of a lecture delivered to the Society on 4th February 2005. |
3079-28Following the Artists' Footsteps Project Recent, Recent (Literature & Art) TDGNHAS Series III, 79 (2005), 192(4.05 MB)
Summary of a lecture delivered to the Society on 18th February 2005. |
3079-19Research on the Lives of Helen Walker and her sister Isobell Walker Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), History, Parish History, Antiquarian, Genealogy TDGNHAS Series III, 79 (2005), 173(4.05 MB)
Description of recent research on the lives of Helen and Isobell Walker from the parish of Kirkpatrick Irongray: Helen Walker was Sir Walter Scott's prototype for Jeannie Deans in his novel 'The Heart of Midlothian.' The research makes extensive use of o |
3078-30Postcard Collecting Proceedings, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Architecture, Photography TDGNHAS Series III, 78 (2004), 156(4.91 MB)
Summary of a lecture delivered to the Society on Members' Night, 5th March 2004, by Michael Taylor. Postcards soon acquire historical value and this was well exemplified by the range of old and modern postcards used to illustrate this point - many were of |
3078-29Art Therapy at the Crichton Royal Infirmary Proceedings, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art) TDGNHAS Series III, 78 (2004), 156(4.91 MB)
Summary of a lecture delivered to the Society by Morag Williams at members' Night, 5th March 2004. The term 'Art Therapy' did not come into use as a term in connection with the treatment of mentally ill patients till the 1940s but was effectively introduc |
3078-19Minute by Minute, 300 years of Lochmaben History (John B. Wilson) A Review Review, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Genealogy, History, Parish History TDGNHAS Series III, 78 (2004), 150(4.91 MB)
Review of a publication by Dr J B Wilson. This latest volume is based upon a re-examination of the Minutes of Lochmaben Town Council which run from 1612 to 1974. It refers to a recent publication by the Scottish Record Society of a transcription of the ea |
3078-18The People of Kirkcudbright in 1786 and 1788 (Innes Macleod) A Review Review, Genealogy, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), History, Parish History TDGNHAS Series III, 78 (2004), 149(4.91 MB)
Review of a volume detailing two late eighteenth century visitation rolls of the town of Kirkcudbright. Background to the town is provided against collated lists of the inhabitants and their genealogy. |
3078-16Kirkcudbright: An Alphabetic Guide to its History (David R. Collin) A Review Review, History, Parish History, Antiquarian, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Folklore, Genealogy TDGNHAS Series III, 78 (2004), 148(4.91 MB)
This volume is literally an alphabetic index of almost every aspect of the life, times and especially the people of Kirkcudbright. Although mainly covering the town of Kirkcudbright it also ranges over the countryside between Ross Island and Tongland. |
3078-15From Auchencairn to the Glenkens and Portpatrick: The Journal of David Gibson, 1814-43 (Innes Macleod) A Review Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), History, Parish History, Review TDGNHAS Series III, 78 (2004), 148(4.91 MB)
Extracts and commentary from the Journal of David Gibson a baptist lay missionary who worked all over the south-west of Scotland - centred at Auchencairn. The author has used the volume to provide details of the background to the life and times of Gibson. |
3078-11A Local Treasure-Trove: John Mactaggart's 'Scottish Gallovidian Encyclopedia' Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Folklore, History, Parish History, Antiquarian, Etymology TDGNHAS Series III, 78 (2004), 131(4.91 MB)
The distinquished tradition of Scots linguistic scholarship began long before the twentieth century and the advent of modern dialectology and lexicography. By far the greatest reference work on the Scots tongue to appear before this period, namely John Ja |
3077-10John Faed RSA and the Kirkcudbright School Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Genealogy TDGNHAS Series III, 77 (2003), 203(1.68 MB)
The year 2002 saw the centenary of the death of John Faed the artist. This article, illustrated by extensive genealogical and contemporary detail, shows the Faed family's influence on the development of the Kirkcudbright area as an artists' colony and, ul |
3076-19Review - John Faed RSA The Gatehouse Years by David I.A. Steel Review, Genealogy, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art) TDGNHAS Series III, 76 (2002), 172(1.97 MB)
Review of aspects of life of the Faeds in Gatehouse of Fleet - it has the specific aim of adding to what is known about the family by drawing largely on the legal papers of R S Glover, the solicitor acting for John Faed (1819-1902) and his sister Susan Be |
3075-5William Galloway's Excavations at Whithorn, 1886-1897: Selections from Unpublished Correspondence in the Bute Muniments Archaeology (General), Early Mediaeval, Mediaeval, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Antiquarian, Parish History TDGNHAS Series III, 75 (2001), 133(1.92 MB)
The important excavations at Whithorn, carried out during the 1880s and 1890s under the patronage of the Third Marquess of Bute, were unpublished at the time of the death, in 1897, of the architect in charge, William Galloway. The only published record of |
3073-16By Royal Command - William Ewart Lockhart RSA, RSW (M.A. Wilkins, Friends of Annandale and Eskdale Museums) A Review Review, Recent (Literature & Art), History TDGNHAS Series III, 73 (1998), 235(2.06 MB) |
3073-15A Mid-Nithsdale Glossary - Dumfriesshire dialect seventy years ago (W.A. Scott, ed. I.G. Anderson) A Review Review, Etymology, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), History TDGNHAS Series III, 73 (1998), 235(2.06 MB) |
3072-17Sir William Burrell's Northern Tour, 1758 (ed. John G. Dunbar, Tuckwell Press) A Review Review, Antiquarian, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), History TDGNHAS Series III, 72 (1997), 121(1009.36 KB) |
3072-9John Walker, an 18th Century Naturalist - His life and times in the rural parish of Moffat Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Geology, Agriculture, Botany, History, Parish History TDGNHAS Series III, 72 (1997), 97(1009.36 KB) |
3072-5The Tower-Houses of Kirtleside Mediaeval, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Architecture, Heraldry, History TDGNHAS Series III, 72 (1997), 55(1009.36 KB) |
3067-17The Novels of Dumfries and Galloway (A. MacRobert) A Review Review, Recent (Literature & Art), Recent, Recent (Social) TDGNHAS Series III, 67 (1992), 94(WARNING very large file size: 28.8 MB) |
3064-11The Dinwiddie Collection in the University of Guelph Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Genealogy, History TDGNHAS Series III, 64 (1989), 91(WARNING very large file size: 18.01 MB) |
3063-12A Rammerscales Notebook Recent (Social), Recent, Genealogy, Recent (Literature & Art), History TDGNHAS Series III, 63 (1988), 93(WARNING very large file size: 23.36 MB) |
3062-14Diary of J. Gordon Graham Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), History TDGNHAS Series III, 62 (1987), 101(WARNING very large file size: 27.9 MB) |
3058-10Dumfriesshire and Galloway Observed: The Diaries of A.O. Curle 1911-13 Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Archaeology (General), Antiquarian, History TDGNHAS Series III, 58 (1983), 84(WARNING very large file size: 39.13 MB) |
3057-8Allan Ramsey Recent, Recent (Literature & Art), History TDGNHAS Series III, 57 (1982), 78(WARNING very large file size: 87.24 MB) |
3055-13Letters from Dr James Mounsey to Dr Henry Baker 1762-70 Recent (Literature & Art), Recent, History TDGNHAS Series III, 55 (1980), 177(WARNING very large file size: 42.93 MB) |
3055-10S.R. Crockett: The Man and the Writer Genealogy, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), History TDGNHAS Series III, 55 (1980), 150(WARNING very large file size: 42.93 MB) |
3054-23A Select Bibliography of the Wanlockhead and Leadhills Area Recent (Literature & Art), Mediaeval, Industrial Archaeology, Geology, Botany, Archaeology (General), Parish History TDGNHAS Series III, 54 (1979), 173(WARNING very large file size: 96.07 MB) |
3054-12Introduction to E.M.Brown's 'A Leadhills Diary for 1745' Geology, Mineralogy, Industrial Archaeology, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Genealogy, History, Parish History TDGNHAS Series III, 54 (1979), 105(WARNING very large file size: 96.07 MB) |