
Articles tagged with the topic ‘Photography’

Displaying 1 - 26 of 26


J.D. Robson

X-Rays Photography


TDGNHAS Series II, 22 (1909-10), 192(WARNING very large file size: 11.43 MB)


A special meeting of the Society was held at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary to witness a demonstration of X-Rays Photography by Dr. J.D. Robson, by kind permission of the Chairman and Directors of the Infirmary. Dr. Robson gave a series of interest


J.W. Reid

Eskdale and the Western Border [Summary only]

Antiquarian, Genealogy, Photography

TDGNHAS Series II, 22 (1909-10), 192(WARNING very large file size: 11.43 MB)


Mr J.W. Reid, Edinburgh, sent about ninety slides, with brief descriptive notes, illustrating the antiquities of Eskdale and the West Borders. Many were of tombstones with the arms of Border families upon them in the Churchyards of Westerkirk, Staplegort


J.D. Robson

X-Rays Photography [Summary only]


TDGNHAS Series II, 22 (1909-10), 137(WARNING very large file size: 11.43 MB)


Dr Robson sketched the history and progress of X-Rays Photography. He then described the mechanical processes necessary to its production, and the uses made of it, particularly with regard to surgery. The lecture was illustrated by lime-light views. Dr Ro


S. Arnott

Notes on Outdoor Plant Photography [Summary only]

Botany, Photography

TDGNHAS Series II, 22 (1909-10), 137(WARNING very large file size: 11.43 MB)


Mr Arnott dealt with the difficulties attending plant photography and the methods adopted to secure suitable backgrounds, sufficient sharpness of detail, and the true colour values of flowers. He described the troubles caused by wind, confined space, and