Quaternary geology

Articles tagged with the topic ‘Quaternary geology’

Displaying 1 - 50 of 82


S. Ramsay, J.J. Miller and R.A. Housley

Paleoenvironmental Investigations of Rispain Mire, Whithorn

Quaternary geology, Botany, Archaeology (General), Prehistory (General), Mesolithic, Iron Age, Early Mediaeval, Neolithic

TDGNHAS Series III, 81 (2007), 35(2.95 MB)


On behalf of the Whithorn Trust, and with support from Historic Scotland, a palaeoenvironmental study was carried out on a wet fen/mire located 400 m south of Rispain Camp, an Iron Age site in Galloway. The investigation revealed a good lateglacial and ea


A. Dalton

Preliminary Survey of the Macrophyte Flora of Loch Skeen, Dumfriesshire

Quaternary geology, Biology, Botany

TDGNHAS Series III, 79 (2005), 21(4.05 MB)


Loch Skeen (or Skene, NT 171 165) is a moraine dammed loch lying in a NNW/SSE direction in an upland corrie basin. It lies within Grey Mare’s Tail SSSI, owned by the National Trust for Scotland. A description of the site is given by Mackinlay (2003). The


I. Banks

The Excavations of Multi-period Remains adjacent to the Banked Enclosure of Warden's Dykes, Gretna: Neolithic, Bronze Age and Early Historic Evidence from the M74

Archaeology (General), Prehistory (General), Neolithic, Bronze Age, Early Mediaeval, Iron Age, Mesolithic, Quaternary geology

TDGNHAS Series III, 78 (2004), 37(4.91 MB)


Excavations were carried out by GUARD (Department of Archaeology, Glasgow University) around the site of Warden's Dykes on behalf of Trusthouse Forte and BP Oil UK Ltd in advance of the construction of an access road for the new Gretna motorway service st


John Pickin

Bog Bodies from Dumfries and Galloway

Quaternary geology, Archaeology (General), Prehistory (General), Iron Age, Bronze Age, Roman and Romano British, Recent, Recent (Social), Antiquarian

TDGNHAS Series III, 78 (2004), 31(4.91 MB)


A recent review of the evidence for bog bodies in Scotland has added 14 previously unrecogbised examples to the existing gazeteer. Seven of these 'new discoveries' - actually old finds hidden in local newspaper accounts and antiquarian reports - are fro G


James Williams

Notes on Coastal Erosion and Mid 19th Century Antiquaries at Newbie Shore, Annan

Quaternary geology, Prehistory (General), Bronze Age, Recent, Recent (Social), Antiquarian, Field Meeting

TDGNHAS Series III, 77 (2003), 228(1.68 MB)


In the 1860s this Society made a number of field excursions to the eroding coastline at Newbie near Annan. These excursions are described from notes in the early printed Transactions and the earliest MS Minute book of the Society. The article is illustrat


A. Saville

A Flint Core-tool from Wig Sands, Kirkcolm, near Stranraer, and a consideration of the absence of Core-tools in the Scottish Mesolithic

Quaternary geology, Mesolithic, Neolithic

TDGNHAS Series III, 77 (2003), 13(1.68 MB)


The collections of Stranraer Museum include a flint core tool from the shore at Wig Sands, south-east of the village of Kirkcolm, Wigtownshire. Wig Sands is an area of flat sand and cobbles forming the beach of Wig Bay on the west side of Loch Ryan, some


S.P. Halliday

Settlement, Territory and landscape: the later prehistoric landscape in the light of the Survey of Eastern Dumfriesshire

Quaternary geology, Geography, Prehistory (General), Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman and Romano British, Early Mediaeval, Mediaeval, Etymology

TDGNHAS Series III, 76 (2002), 91(1.97 MB)


This paper reviews the archaeological evidence for the organisation of the later prehistoric landscape that has emerged from work in the Border Counties over the last twenty years. It challenges any assumption that prehistoric farms and territories were d