J.G. Todd and M. McMullen
Mineralogy of a Quartz Hematite Vein at Auchenlosh Quarry, Dalbeattie
Geology, Mineralogy, Igneous geology
TDGNHAS Series III, 71 (1996), 159(2.35 MB)
James Williams and W.F. Cormack
A Kaolinite/Lithomarge Source in Galloway and some mediaeval artifacts made from it
Geology, Mineralogy
TDGNHAS Series III, 70 (1995), 107(1.21 MB)
Fraser Hunter
Barhobble, Mochrum: Report on the Analysis of a Finger-Ring and Disc of Jet-like Material
Geology, Mineralogy
TDGNHAS Series III, 70 (1995), 102(1.21 MB)
James Floyd
Some Unrecorded Mineral Trials in Kirkcudbrightshire
Industrial Archaeology, Geology, Mineralogy
TDGNHAS Series III, 54 (1979), 149(WARNING very large file size: 96.07 MB)
James Williams
Introduction to E.M.Brown's 'A Leadhills Diary for 1745'
Geology, Mineralogy, Industrial Archaeology, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Genealogy, History, Parish History
TDGNHAS Series III, 54 (1979), 105(WARNING very large file size: 96.07 MB)
E.M. Brown
A Leadhills Diary for 1745
Geology, Mineralogy, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Genealogy, Industrial Archaeology, History, Parish History
TDGNHAS Series III, 54 (1979), 105(WARNING very large file size: 96.07 MB)
James Williams
The Occurance of Bog-Iron at Clatteringshaws, Kirkcudbrightshire
Geology, Mineralogy, Roman and Romano British, Iron Age
TDGNHAS Series III, 53 (1977-78), 112(WARNING very large file size: 84.57 MB)
James Williams
The Antimony, Bismuth, Molybdenum and Tungsten Minerals of South-West Scotland
Geology, Mineralogy
TDGNHAS Series III, 50 (1973), 1(WARNING very large file size: 34.68 MB)
James Williams
Some New Minerals from Beeswing, E. Kirkcudbrightshire, with Further Additions to the Mineralogy of S.W. Scotland
Geology, Mineralogy
TDGNHAS Series III, 47 (1970), 191(WARNING very large file size: 71.98 MB)
James Williams
Further Notes on Mineralogy in Dumfries and Galloway
Geology, Mineralogy
TDGNHAS Series III, 42 (1965), 14(WARNING very large file size: 43.71 MB)
James Williams
The Mineralogical Collections of Dumfries Burgh Museum
Geology, Mineralogy, Museums
TDGNHAS Series III, 41 (1962-63), 201(WARNING very large file size: 241.95 MB)
DGNHAS - author not given
Field Meeting. Bargaly, Bardrochat Mote, Blackcraig Mine, Kirroughtree House, Cruives of Cree and Skaith Mote
Zoology, Mediaeval, Recent, Geology, Mineralogy, Field Meeting
TDGNHAS Series III, 20 (1935-36), 170(WARNING very large file size: 60.71 MB)
M. Laidlaw
Notes on the Metamorphosed Rocks near New Galloway
Geology, Igneous geology, Mineralogy
TDGNHAS Series III, 19 (1933-35), 87(WARNING very large file size: 50.85 MB)
R. Brown
More About the Mines and Minerals of Wanlockhead and Leadhills
Industrial Archaeology, Recent, Mediaeval, Geology, Mineralogy, Parish History
TDGNHAS Series III, 13 (1925-26), 58(WARNING very large file size: 39.97 MB)
J.T. Johnstone
Moffat and Upper Annandale in the Middle of the Eighteenth Century
Recent, Recent (Social), Genealogy, Agriculture, Architecture, Geology, Mineralogy, Parish History, History
TDGNHAS Series III, 1 (1912-13), 191(WARNING very large file size: 21.99 MB)
J. Barbour
The Carlyle Farm and Dwelling-Place at Birrens, Agricola's Well on Birrenswark Hill, And a German Company's Copper Mine at Torbeckhill - All in the Parish of Middlebie
Parish History, History, Genealogy, Recent, Recent (Social), Roman and Romano British, Geology, Mineralogy
TDGNHAS Series II, 24 (1911-12), 163(WARNING very large file size: 15.37 MB)
DGNHAS Council
Ornithology, Photography, Recent, Recent (Social), Zoology, Archaeology (General), Prehistory (General), Botany, Mineralogy, Numismatics, Neolithic, Geology
TDGNHAS Series II, 22 (1909-10), 234(WARNING very large file size: 11.43 MB)
DGNHAS - author not given
Field Meeting. Barjarg
History, Genealogy, Architecture, Horology, Botany, Recent (Literature & Art), Mineralogy, Recent, Field Meeting
TDGNHAS Series II, 21 (1908-09), 227(WARNING very large file size: 10.64 MB)
J.W. Gregory
Gold Mines and Gold Mining [Summary only]
Mineralogy, Geology
TDGNHAS Series II, 20 (1907-08), 35(WARNING large file size: 9.27 MB)
In this lecture, which was illustrated by a number of lantern slides, Profesor Gregory gave a full description of the geology, etc., of gold-bearing strata in Australia, etc., together with the characteristics of the same; how the mines were operated; and
P. Dudgeon
Occurrence of Mispickel (Arsenical Pyrites) in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright
Geology, Mineralogy
TDGNHAS Series II, 10 (1893-94), 160(WARNING large file size: 7.32 MB)
DGNHAS Council
Catalogue of Books (Presented by R.Dinwiddie, New York)
Etymology, Recent (Literature & Art), Microscopy, Zoology, Botany, Geology, Mineralogy, Antiquarian, Recent (Social), Mycology, Entomology, Mediaeval
TDGNHAS Series II, 7 (1890-91), 145(WARNING large file size: 6.77 MB)
G.F. Scott-Elliot
Notes on the Diamond Mines and Gold Fields of South Africa
Geology, Mineralogy, Structural geology
TDGNHAS Series II, 6 (1887-90), 197(WARNING very large file size: 13.55 MB)
P. Dudgeon
Notes on the Minerals of Dumfries and Galloway
Geology, Mineralogy, Industrial Archaeology
TDGNHAS Series II, 6 (1887-90), 175(WARNING very large file size: 13.55 MB)
DGNHAS - author not given
Field Meeting. Valley of the Nith, Mennock Pass, Wanlockhead, Leadhills, Elvan and Dalveen Passes
Prehistory (General), Archaeology (General), Industrial Archaeology, Mediaeval, Geology, Mineralogy, Field Meeting
TDGNHAS Series II, 6 (1887-90), 61(WARNING very large file size: 13.55 MB)
DGNHAS Council
Report of the Conversazione held on 27th, 28th, and 29th October, 1886
Recent (Social), Botany, Geology, Mineralogy, Paleontology, Zoology, Ornithology, Entomology, Microscopy, Physics, Archaeology (General), Prehistory (General), Recent (Literature & Art), Mediaeval, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Numismatics
TDGNHAS Series II, 5 (1886-87), 68(4.74 MB)
DGNHAS Council
Special Meeting in Greyfriars' Hall, Dumfries: Items of Members' Interests
Parish History, Mineralogy, Botany, Entomology, Mediaeval, Bronze Age
TDGNHAS Series II, 4 (1883-86), 9(WARNING large file size: 8.7 MB)
DGNHAS Council
List of Specimens, &c. Deposited in the Observatory Museum 1882-1883
Museums, Zoology, Recent (Literature & Art), Botany, Etymology, Post-mediaeval archaeology, Mineralogy, Paleontology, Numismatics
TDGNHAS Series II, 3 (1880-83), 112(4.79 MB)
DGNHAS - author not given
Field Meeting. Dalbeattie, Orchardton Tower, Auchencairn, Barlocco
Geology, Industrial Archaeology, Mediaeval, Architecture, Botany, Zoology, Quaternary geology, Mineralogy, Entomology, Field Meeting
TDGNHAS Series II, 3 (1880-83), 61(4.79 MB)