Author biography

William Fleming Cormack
William Fleming Cormack (1920–2002) — An Appreciation
W.F. Cormack at the Mesolithic site at Barsalloch
William Fleming Cormack (Bill) the second son of Mr and Mrs David Cormack was born...
William Fleming Cormack (1920–2002) — An Appreciation
W.F. Cormack at the Mesolithic site at Barsalloch
William Fleming Cormack (Bill) the second son of Mr and Mrs David Cormack was born...
A Mill Stone at Hallmeadow, Tundergarth Industrial Archaeology, Recent, Parish History TDGNHAS Series III, 33 (1954-55), 203(WARNING very large file size: 20.98 MB) |
Mary, Queen of Scots, Testoon TDGNHAS Series III, 36 (1957-58), 185(WARNING very large file size: 19.04 MB) |
Recent Finds at Burnswark TDGNHAS Series III, 36 (1957-58), 185(WARNING very large file size: 19.04 MB) |
Inscribed Stones at Kirkpatrick Fleming Recent, Mediaeval, Parish History TDGNHAS Series III, 36 (1957-58), 186(WARNING very large file size: 19.04 MB) |
Two Mediaeval Crosses at Kirkpatrick Fleming Mediaeval, Genealogy, Parish History TDGNHAS Series III, 38 (1959-60), 114(WARNING very large file size: 44.37 MB) |
Further Surface Finds at Burnswark TDGNHAS Series III, 38 (1959-60), 189(WARNING very large file size: 44.37 MB) |
Two Coins from Glenluce Sand Dunes and one from Dryfesdale Numismatics, Early Mediaeval, Mediaeval, Parish History TDGNHAS Series III, 39 (1960-61), 159(WARNING very large file size: 35.41 MB) |
Prehistoric Site at Kirkburn, Lockerbie TDGNHAS Series III, 40 (1961-62), 53(WARNING very large file size: 78.97 MB) |
Prehistoric Site at Beckton, Lockerbie TDGNHAS Series III, 41 (1962-63), 111(WARNING very large file size: 241.95 MB) |
Palisaded Enclosure at Harthill, Lockerbie TDGNHAS Series III, 41 (1962-63), 116(WARNING very large file size: 241.95 MB) |
Northumbrian Coins from Luce Sands TDGNHAS Series III, 42 (1965), 149(WARNING very large file size: 43.71 MB) |
R.H.M. Dolley and W.F. Cormack A Hiberno-Norse penny of Dublin found in Wigtownshire Mediaeval, Industrial Archaeology TDGNHAS Series III, 44 (1967), 122(WARNING very large file size: 102.28 MB) |
Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles - National Museum of Antiquities - Pt.1, Anglo-Saxon Coins. (R.B.K. Stevenson: Oxford University Press) A Review TDGNHAS Series III, 44 (1967), 227(WARNING very large file size: 102.28 MB) |
North Munster Studies - Essays in Commemoration of Mon. Michael Moloney (E. Rynne (ed): Thomond Archaeological Society A Review TDGNHAS Series III, 44 (1967), 228(WARNING very large file size: 102.28 MB) |
Mesolithic Site at Low Clone, Wigtownshire TDGNHAS Series III, 45 (1968), 44(WARNING very large file size: 70.97 MB) |
A Burial Cairn in Luce Sands, Wigtownshire TDGNHAS Series III, 45 (1968), 240(WARNING very large file size: 70.97 MB) |
A Mesolithic Site at Barsalloch, Wigtownshire TDGNHAS Series III, 47 (1970), 63(WARNING very large file size: 71.98 MB) |
Excavations at Dinwoodie Green, Annandale TDGNHAS Series III, 51 (1975), 18(WARNING very large file size: 28.56 MB) |
Obituary: Robert Jardine Little TDGNHAS Series III, 54 (1979), 176(WARNING very large file size: 96.07 MB) |
A Corn-Drying Kiln at Airylick, Port William Recent, Post-mediaeval archaeology, Agriculture TDGNHAS Series III, 56 (1981), 91(WARNING very large file size: 42.64 MB) |
A Flint Blade from Redkirk Point, Dumfriesshire TDGNHAS Series III, 58 (1983), 92(WARNING very large file size: 39.13 MB) |
W.F. Cormack and A.E. Truckell Inventory of the Estate of the late Sir John Dunbar of Mochrum Mediaeval, Genealogy, History, Parish History TDGNHAS Series III, 60 (1985), 62(WARNING very large file size: 40.89 MB) |
Discovering Galloway (I. MacLeod: John Donald, Edinburgh) A Review TDGNHAS Series III, 60 (1985), 108(WARNING very large file size: 40.89 MB) |
Kintyre Country Life (A. Martin: John Donald, Edinburgh) A.Review TDGNHAS Series III, 62 (1987), 112(WARNING very large file size: 27.9 MB) |
Two Recent Finds of Exotic Porphyry in Galloway TDGNHAS Series III, 64 (1989), 43(WARNING very large file size: 18.01 MB) |
How Sir Patrick Maxwell of Springkell Worsted the Devil Recent, Recent (Social), Folklore, History TDGNHAS Series III, 64 (1989), 92(WARNING very large file size: 18.01 MB) |
Fergus Graham of Mossknowe and the Murder at Kirkpatrick Recent, Recent (Social), Genealogy, History TDGNHAS Series III, 64 (1989), 94(WARNING very large file size: 18.01 MB) |
Obituary: Eric Birley, MBE, FSA, FBA TDGNHAS Series III, 69 (1994), 114(2.36 MB) |
The Present Botany of a Former Mediaeval Site - A Check-list of Plants at Barhobble, Mochrum Botany, Mediaeval, Early Mediaeval TDGNHAS Series III, 70 (1995), 1(1.21 MB) |
James Williams and W.F. Cormack A Kaolinite/Lithomarge Source in Galloway and some mediaeval artifacts made from it TDGNHAS Series III, 70 (1995), 107(1.21 MB) |
Obituary: Major-General James Scott-Elliot TDGNHAS Series III, 70 (1995), 115(1.21 MB) |
Excavations at Navan Fort 1961-71 (D.M. Waterman, ed. C.J. Lynn, Dept. of Environment for N.Ireland, Monograph 3, H.M.S.O.) A Review Review, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Early Mediaeval TDGNHAS Series III, 72 (1997), 119(1009.36 KB) |
Sir William Burrell's Northern Tour, 1758 (ed. John G. Dunbar, Tuckwell Press) A Review Review, Antiquarian, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), History TDGNHAS Series III, 72 (1997), 121(1009.36 KB) |
Obituary: Professor Anne S. Robertson Obituary, Roman and Romano British, Numismatics TDGNHAS Series III, 72 (1997), 122(1009.36 KB) |
A Mid-Nithsdale Glossary - Dumfriesshire dialect seventy years ago (W.A. Scott, ed. I.G. Anderson) A Review Review, Etymology, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), History TDGNHAS Series III, 73 (1998), 235(2.06 MB) |
By Royal Command - William Ewart Lockhart RSA, RSW (M.A. Wilkins, Friends of Annandale and Eskdale Museums) A Review Review, Recent (Literature & Art), History TDGNHAS Series III, 73 (1998), 235(2.06 MB) |
Galloway Dialect, a study (1985) and A Dialect Study of Comparative areas in Galloway with particular reference to the Irish Connection (1977) (W.A.D. Riach) A Review Review, Etymology, Recent, Recent (Social), History TDGNHAS Series III, 73 (1998), 235(2.06 MB) |
Seven Centuries in the Royal Four Towns of Lochmaben (A. Fairn, Dumfries) A Review Review, Mediaeval, Recent (Social), Recent, History, Parish History TDGNHAS Series III, 73 (1998), 236(2.06 MB) |
James Williams and W.F. Cormack Obituary: Dr Ralegh Radford TDGNHAS Series III, 73 (1998), 239(2.06 MB) |
W.F. Cormack and Watt, J. Muir Wells of the Rees and Stones of Laggangarn: Some unpublished References Early Mediaeval, Recent (Social), History TDGNHAS Series III, 74 (2000), 111(1.19 MB) |
Fisherman's Haul (Henry Truckell) A Review TDGNHAS Series III, 74 (2000), 123(1.19 MB) |
The Evacuee - Sixty Years On (1939-1999) (Robert Kerr Moodie, Dumfries & Galloway Standard) A Review Review, History, Recent (Social), Recent TDGNHAS Series III, 74 (2000), 123(1.19 MB) |
Galloway - A Land Apart by Andrew McCulloch, Birlinn, Edinburgh, 2000. A Review Review, Roman and Romano British, Prehistory (General), Early Mediaeval, Mediaeval, Recent, Recent (Social), History TDGNHAS Series III, 75 (2001), 188(1.92 MB)
A review of Andrew McCulloch's 'Galloway - A Land Apart'. This new work assesses the history of Galloway as it affected all social strata, through the fresh and unrestrained eyes of a historian at the end of the 20th century. McCulloch successfully incorp |
D.H. Caldwell, W.F. Cormack and Thea Gabra-Sanders A Mail Garment from the Mediaeval Church at Barhobble TDGNHAS Series III, 79 (2005), 95(4.05 MB)
Description and analysis of fragments of a mail garment found during the excavations at the mediaeval church of Barhobble, Wigtownshire |