
Articles tagged with the topic ‘Botany’

Displaying 201 - 250 of 470


S. Arnott

The Toxic Effects of Colchicums on Bees [Summary only]

Entomology, Botany

TDGNHAS Series II, 17 (1900-05), 246(WARNING very large file size: 19.53 MB)


In this short paper the author gave the results of a series of observations upon the toxic effect produced upon bees frequenting colchicums in search of honey or pollen. The bees became stupefied and died.


J.W. Martin

Notes of a Naturalist in West Africa [Summary only]

Zoology, Entomology, Botany

TDGNHAS Series II, 13 (1896-97), 95(WARNING large file size: 7.09 MB)


Dr Martin, Holywood, submitted some 'Notes of a Naturalist in West Africa,' the result of his observations during a residence of several years when acting as medical officer at one of the trading stations, and he exhibited an extensive and interesting col