Alan James

Articles by this author

Alan James

Angles and Britons around Trusty’s Hill: some onomastic considerations

Early Mediaeval, Place-names/Toponomy

TDGNHAS Series III, 91 (2017), 21(4.71 MB)


The issues considered in this paper arise from an ongoing study of place-names in and around the Fleet Valley in the south-west Stewartry, brought into focus by the recent excavations on Trusty’s Hill and the timely publication of the very thorough and thoughtprovoking report on the findings (Toolis and Bowles 2017). I shall address in particular some questions concerning what can and cannot reasonably be inferred from the evidence of names regarding the linguistic, and by implication ethnic and political, history of this corner of Galloway during the second half of the first millennium AD, as well as drawing attention to some intriguing possibilities which may add some complexity to the picture.