
James Grierson

Andrew Barrie: Philanthropist and Public Benefactor

Recent (Social), Biography

TDGNHAS Series III, 86 (2012), 203(4.08 MB)


Today, Andrew Barrie (1798-1866) is long forgotten in his adopted town of Dumfries and fares little better in his home town of Paisley, commemorated only by his grave at Woodside Cemetery and the annual award of ‘Barrie’ Dux Medal at Paisley Grammar School. Yet during his life he was highly regarded by the citizens of both towns for his contribution to civic life and private and public financial support for a wide variety of organisations. He brought to civic life the same drive and determination that had enabled him to rise from relatively modest beginnings to become a wealthy and influential figure. On his death in 1866 the Dumfries Standard and Paisley Herald were fulsome in their praise for his work as a Sheriff Substitute and Justice of the Peace; as a Trustee and Elder of St Mary’s Church in Dumfries; for the numerous public appointments he held; and for his extensive financial support for charities. It is all the more surprising that such importance during his lifetime should be reduced to so little in posterity.