Christopher Bowles

Articles by this author

Ronan Toolis and Christopher Bowles

Excavations at Trusty’s Hill, 2012

TDGNHAS Series III, 87 (2013), 27(WARNING large file size: 5.67 MB)


The Pictish inscribed stone at Trusty’s Hill is unique in Dumfries and Galloway and has long puzzled scholars as to why this was carved here and if it is indeed genuine. As part of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society, the Galloway Picts Project was undertaken in 2012 in order to recover the evidence required to understand the archaeological context of the inscribed stone and the significance of Trusty’s Hill within Early Medieval Scotland. The following paper is intended simply as an interim summary report, in advance of a monograph reporting the full analyses and results (Toolis and Bowles forthcoming).