R. Service

Author biography

Robert Service

Robert Service

Robert Service was a "Reconstitution Member" of the Society indicating that he had been elected at the reconstitution meeting of 3rd November 1876. At this first meeting he was also...

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Articles by this author

R. Service

Burial Mound at Bogrie; Arrow-Heads of Flint and Stone Whorls from Townhead of Closeburn with Old Hearths at Moat of Lochrutton [Summary only]

Bronze Age, Prehistory (General), Archaeology (General), Mediaeval, Parish History

TDGNHAS Series II, 17 (1900-05), 309(WARNING very large file size: 19.53 MB)


Mr Service gave several interesting notes to the above, giving a full description of the Burial Mound at Bogrie, and exhibiting the urn found therein. Exhibits of the other articles were also made, and the notes, which were highly interesting, formed the