G.F. Scott-Elliot

Author biography

George Francis Scott Elliot

G.F. Scott-Elliot, F.R.G.S., F.L.S

The Late G. F. Scott Elliot
Obituary from TDGNHAS, Series III, Vol. XIX, pp.351-2

The late George Francis Scott Elliot joined this Society as long ago as 1887, and...

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Articles by this author

G.F. Scott-Elliot

With the Lowland Scottish Division in Palestine [Summary only]

Recent, Recent (Social)

TDGNHAS Series III, 6 (1918-19), 44(WARNING very large file size: 54.31 MB)


This most interesting popular lecture, with lime-light illustrations, was delivered in St. George's Hall, and was very well attended by the public. A verbatim report appeared in the local press. A silver collection was taken on entering, the proceeds goin