
Articles tagged with the topic ‘Fisheries’

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2


Alex A. Lyle and Ian Winfield

An Updated Bathymetry of Loch Skeen, Dumfriesshire

Hydrology, Fisheries

TDGNHAS Series III, 90 (2016), 9(2.1 MB)


A hydroacoustic survey carried out at Loch Skeen in 2007 to assess fish stocks also collected water depth data as a by-product. These data have been used to update knowledge of the loch’s bathymetry from that measured in 1905 by Murray and Pullar (1910) and a more detailed and informative bathymetric map is presented here along with revised morphometric parameters.


David F. Devereux and John Pickin

Tongland Fish House and the Tongland Salmon Fishery

Post-mediaeval archaeology, Recent, Fisheries

TDGNHAS Series III, 89 (2015), 35(4.65 MB)


A Building Record of the Fish House at Tongland was made by the authors in November 2013, prior to the re-development of the building. This revealed the nature of the midnineteenth century structure and reflected its use in relation to the seasonal salmon fishery at the nearby Doachs of Tongland on the River Dee. There is also anecdotal evidence for its operation, which included the dispatch of salmon to distant markets. The fishery closed in the 1930s with the development of the Galloway Hydro-Electric Scheme, but a range of documentary evidence indicates that this was a valuable (and sometimes controversial) fishery, operated as an economic unit from 1642 and probably much earlier. Quite possibly the canons of nearby Tongland Abbey exploited this natural resource from the early thirteenth century, although there is no surviving physical or documentary evidence for this.