TDGNHAS Series III, Volume 92


Contents of this volume

Anstruther Davidson, M.D. (1860–1932): A Dumfriesshire Botanist in California
by Gary D. Wallace 9
Three Ancient Battlegrounds
by Martin Allen 17
Michael McGorth and the Clan Afren
by Alan Milliken 29
Reassessing the Galloway Levellers
by Alistair Livingston 37
David Gordon (1774–1829) and the First Steamboats on Inland Waters
by Pat Jones 51
McVitie’s Biscuits — a Dumfries Connection
by James Grierson 61
Queen of the South Co-operative Society, 1881–1892
by Ian Gasse 73
A Liberal MP at War: Percy Molteno 1914–1918
by David Dutton 91

Addenda Antiquaria
Some Old Roads in and around Kirkcudbright
by Alex. D. Anderson 111

Dumfriesshire: A Frontier Region by Andrew McCulloch.
Elaine Kennedy 122
Elshieshields, the story of a Scottish Tower, 1245–2018 by Ann Shukman.
David R. Collin 124

Proceedings 128