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James Williams

The Bell Family in Dumfriesshire by James Steuart, Vol 2 of The Records of the Western Marches series, Scotpress, Morgantown, WV26505, USA. A Review

Genealogy, Mediaeval, Recent, Recent (Social), Review

TDGNHAS Series III, 75 (2001), 187(1.92 MB)


Review of a reprint of James Steuart's 'The Bell Family in Dumfriesshire' which was orginally published in 1932 as Vol. 2 of the 'Records of the Western Marches' series of this Society. Provides full accounts of all the major branches of the Bell Family i

A.H. Chisholm

The Birds of Australia [Summary only]

Ornithology, Botany

TDGNHAS Series III, 22 (1938-40), 9(WARNING very large file size: 54.53 MB)


This was a special meeting held by kind permission of the directors of the Lyceum Theatre. Mr Chisholm, a Fellow of the Royal Zoological Society of Melbourne, was on a visit to Britain, and had been staying with the Society's ex-President, Mr H.S.Gladston

J.M. McWilliam

The Birds of the Scar Rocks, Wigtownshire [Summary only]


TDGNHAS Series III, 23 (1940-44), 65(WARNING very large file size: 40.26 MB)


This important local contribution has been published by the Buteshire Natural History Society, Vol XIII - and for that reason was not reproduced within the Transactions

T.D. Stephens

The Birtwhistles of Galloway and North Yorkshire: Drovers, Industrialists, Poets and Spies [Lecture to the Society, 29th March 2008]

Proceedings, Recent, Recent (Social), History

TDGNHAS Series III, 82 (2008), 160(2.63 MB)


Lecture in Kirkcudbright Town Hall The speaker showed how records from some dozen English and Scottish archives had enabled a picture to be built of the lives of three generations of the Birtwhistle family, possibly the greatest drovers and graziers of th