Alexander Reid of Kirkennan
Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Genealogy
TDGNHAS Series III, 16 (1929-30), 75(WARNING very large file size: 28.93 MB)
Alexander Reid of Kirkennan Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Genealogy TDGNHAS Series III, 16 (1929-30), 75(WARNING very large file size: 28.93 MB) |
Alexander Stewart, Younger, of Garlies and of Dalswinton, the Reformer TDGNHAS Series III, 14 (1926-28), 101(WARNING very large file size: 125.46 MB) |
Alfred Truckell MBE, MA, FMA, FSA, FSA Scot (1919-2007) TDGNHAS Series III, 81 (2007), 129(2.95 MB)
Obituary of Alfred Edgar Truckell - who was a significant contributor to the success and progress of the Society from the time of his election in 1947. He was President 1974-77; Editor 1951-75 and throughout the period 1947-82 acted as Curator of the Soci |
Alisonbank Custom Records Recent, Recent (Social), History, Genealogy TDGNHAS Series III, 76 (2002), 166(1.97 MB)
Extracts from a transcript of the customs records for Alisonbank at Gretna for the period 1665 to 1699 |
All that is known of Epictetus Roman and Romano British, Anthropology TDGNHAS Series II, 11 (1894-95), 67(WARNING large file size: 8.86 MB) |
Allan Cunningham's Contribution to Cromek's 'Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song' Recent, Recent (Literature & Art), Genealogy TDGNHAS Series III, 8 (1920-21), 40(WARNING very large file size: 39.07 MB) |
Allan Ramsey Recent, Recent (Literature & Art), History TDGNHAS Series III, 57 (1982), 78(WARNING very large file size: 87.24 MB) |
Alpine Botany with special reference to the Flora of Zermatt [Mention only] TDGNHAS Series II, 3 (1880-83), 55(4.79 MB) |
Amber and Jet in Ancient Burials: Their Significance Prehistory (General), Archaeology (General), Mineralogy, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Mediaeval TDGNHAS Series III, 3 (1914-15), 106(WARNING very large file size: 19.8 MB) |
Among the Yorkshire Abbeys Early Mediaeval, Mediaeval, Architecture TDGNHAS Series II, 19 (1906-07), 86(WARNING large file size: 8.84 MB) |
Amongst Stone Giants: Easter Island Explored TDGNHAS Series III, 87 (2013), 208(WARNING large file size: 5.67 MB) |
An 11th Century War Axe in Dumfries Museum TDGNHAS Series III, 43 (1966), 117(WARNING very large file size: 73.74 MB) |
An Albertite Vein on the Eastern Slope of Ben Nevis [Summary only] TDGNHAS Series I, 5 (1866-67), 3(2.54 MB) |
An Altered Trap occurring near Newton Stewart TDGNHAS Series II, 3 (1880-83), 11(4.79 MB) |
An Annan reference in the Diary of George Fox Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Genealogy, Parish History TDGNHAS Series II, 20 (1907-08), 158(WARNING large file size: 9.27 MB) |
An Annandale Minister in the 17th Century Recent, Recent (Social), Genealogy TDGNHAS Series III, 6 (1918-19), 30(WARNING very large file size: 54.31 MB) |
An Annotated List of the Birds that Breed in the Parish of Dumfries TDGNHAS Series II, 3 (1880-83), 18(4.79 MB) |
An Antiquary's Tour in Switzerland [Summary only] TDGNHAS Series II, 3 (1880-83), 17(4.79 MB) |
An Antonine Fort, Golden Hill, Duntocher ( A.S.Robertson, Oliver and Boyd) A Review Review, Roman and Romano British TDGNHAS Series III, 35 (1956-57), 143(WARNING very large file size: 16.63 MB) |
An Architectural Fragment from Ruthwell, Dumfriesshire Early Mediaeval, Architecture, Parish History TDGNHAS Series III, 51 (1975), 29(WARNING very large file size: 28.56 MB) |