James Williams
Subject, Title and Author Index to the Society's Transactions. IIIrd Series, Vols. XXXIX to XLVIII
TDGNHAS Series III, 49 (1972), 103(WARNING very large file size: 44.51 MB)
James Williams
Note on the Indexing of the Customs and Excise Transcript
Recent, Recent (Social), Genealogy, Geography
TDGNHAS Series III, 75 (2001), 176(1.92 MB)
Brief explanation of the indexing protocols applied to A.E.Truckell's transcript of microfilm records relating to 17th century Dumfries and Kirkcudbright Custom and Excise Records - see article III/75/173. Examples of the extracts available are cited.
A.E. Truckell and James Williams
Further Notes on Mediaeval Pottery
TDGNHAS Series III, 53 (1977-78), 187(WARNING very large file size: 84.57 MB)
James Williams
The People of Kirkcudbright in 1786 and 1788 (Innes Macleod) A Review
Review, Genealogy, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), History, Parish History
TDGNHAS Series III, 78 (2004), 149(4.91 MB)
Review of a volume detailing two late eighteenth century visitation rolls of the town of Kirkcudbright. Background to the town is provided against collated lists of the inhabitants and their genealogy.
James Williams
A Mediaeval Iron Smelting Site at Millhill, New Abbey
Mediaeval, Industrial Archaeology
TDGNHAS Series III, 44 (1967), 126(WARNING very large file size: 102.28 MB)
James Williams
A 1784-6 Examination Roll for the Parish of Ruthwell
Genealogy, Recent, Recent (Social), History, Parish History
TDGNHAS Series III, 67 (1992), 89(WARNING very large file size: 28.8 MB)
James Williams
A Mediaeval Talismanic Brooch from Drumcoltran
TDGNHAS Series III, 49 (1972), 120(WARNING very large file size: 44.51 MB)
James Williams
The Bell Family in Dumfriesshire by James Steuart, Vol 2 of The Records of the Western Marches series, Scotpress, Morgantown, WV26505, USA. A Review
Genealogy, Mediaeval, Recent, Recent (Social), Review
TDGNHAS Series III, 75 (2001), 187(1.92 MB)
Review of a reprint of James Steuart's 'The Bell Family in Dumfriesshire' which was orginally published in 1932 as Vol. 2 of the 'Records of the Western Marches' series of this Society. Provides full accounts of all the major branches of the Bell Family i
James Williams
Obituary: John Gladstone of Capenoch
TDGNHAS Series III, 53 (1977-78), 195(WARNING very large file size: 84.57 MB)
Alex Anderson and James Williams
Bridgend Bridge, Dundrennan - A Monastic Structure?
Mediaeval, Recent
TDGNHAS Series III, 81 (2007), 71(2.95 MB)
Bridgend Bridge at Dundrennan is situated on the branch road to Rerrick Kirk and Orroland and has the appearance of a mediaeval ribbed arch. In order to gain some idea of its age and origin, the writers have examined both the documentary evidence and the
A.E. Truckell and James Williams
Mediaeval Pottery in Dumfriesshire and Galloway
Mediaeval, Archaeology (General)
TDGNHAS Series III, 44 (1967), 133(WARNING very large file size: 102.28 MB)
James Williams
Notes on the Ruthwell Cross. Papers from a Colloquium sponsered by the Index of Christian Art, Princton University. (Ed. B.Cassidy) A Review
Early Mediaeval, Review, Parish History
TDGNHAS Series III, 68 (1993), 134(1.62 MB)
James Williams
The Antimony, Bismuth, Molybdenum and Tungsten Minerals of South-West Scotland
Geology, Mineralogy
TDGNHAS Series III, 50 (1973), 1(WARNING very large file size: 34.68 MB)
James Williams
Indexing the Transactions
Miscellaneous, Indexes
TDGNHAS Series III, 76 (2002), 1(1.97 MB)
Describes the indexing of the Transactions for the period 1862-2000. Explaining the history of the process, previous work and the Access database method used - with discussion on future work.
R.T. Smith, D. Skilling and James Williams
Dumfriesshire Bird Report 1977
TDGNHAS Series III, 54 (1979), 7(WARNING very large file size: 96.07 MB)
James Williams
From Durisdeer and Castleton to Strachur. Robert Anderson: A Farm Diary 1847-1852 by Innes Macleod and Margaret Maxwell (A Review)
Review, Recent (Social), Genealogy, Agriculture
TDGNHAS Series III, 81 (2007), 126(2.95 MB)
James Williams
Bronze Age Spearheads from Bennan Millyea (Kells Parish) and the Grierson Collection
Bronze Age, Museums, Antiquarian
TDGNHAS Series III, 45 (1968), 237(WARNING very large file size: 70.97 MB)
James Williams
Subject, Title and Author Index to the Society's Transactions. IIIrd Series, Vols. LIX to LXIX
TDGNHAS Series III, 69 (1994), 103(2.36 MB)
James Williams
Mediaeval Belt Chape from Holywood Abbey
Mediaeval, Antiquarian, Parish History
TDGNHAS Series III, 50 (1973), 115(WARNING very large file size: 34.68 MB)
James Williams
Review - The Excavation of a Scottish Lowland Crannog: Excavations at Buiston, Ayrshire 1989-90 by Anne Crone and others
Review, Archaeology (General), Iron Age, Early Mediaeval, Mediaeval, Antiquarian
TDGNHAS Series III, 76 (2002), 168(1.97 MB)
Review of the publication by Anne Cone and others of 'The Excavation of a Scottish Lowland Crannog: Excavations at Buiston, Ayrshire 1989-90'. Covers all aspects of the archaeology - including a review of Robert Munro's 19th century excavations. Includes
James Williams
Introduction to E.M.Brown's 'A Leadhills Diary for 1745'
Geology, Mineralogy, Industrial Archaeology, Recent, Recent (Social), Recent (Literature & Art), Genealogy, History, Parish History
TDGNHAS Series III, 54 (1979), 105(WARNING very large file size: 96.07 MB)
James Williams
Alfred Truckell MBE, MA, FMA, FSA, FSA Scot (1919-2007)
TDGNHAS Series III, 81 (2007), 129(2.95 MB)
Obituary of Alfred Edgar Truckell - who was a significant contributor to the success and progress of the Society from the time of his election in 1947. He was President 1974-77; Editor 1951-75 and throughout the period 1947-82 acted as Curator of the Soci
James Williams
A Boat-shaped Structure on Rockhall Moor
Bronze Age
TDGNHAS Series III, 46 (1969), 180(WARNING very large file size: 130.31 MB)
James Williams and W.F. Cormack
A Kaolinite/Lithomarge Source in Galloway and some mediaeval artifacts made from it
Geology, Mineralogy
TDGNHAS Series III, 70 (1995), 107(1.21 MB)
James Williams
An Architectural Fragment from Ruthwell, Dumfriesshire
Early Mediaeval, Architecture, Parish History
TDGNHAS Series III, 51 (1975), 29(WARNING very large file size: 28.56 MB)
James Williams
Excavation at Lochrutton Crannog, Summer 1901 (photograph)
Mediaeval, Archaeology (General), Photography
TDGNHAS Series III, 76 (2002), 171(1.97 MB)
Photograph of the excavations at Lochrutton Crannog taken in the summer of 1901 - reproduced for the first time and used to support a review of 'The Excavation of a Scottish Lowland Crannog: Excavations at Buiston, Ayrshire 1989-90 by Anne Crone and other
James Williams
18th Century Property Lists from Wanlockhead Testaments
Recent (Social), Industrial Archaeology, Genealogy
TDGNHAS Series III, 54 (1979), 132(WARNING very large file size: 96.07 MB)
E. Geoffrey Hancock, Ronald M. Dobson and James Williams
The Reverend William Little (1797? – 1867), A Preliminary account of his Entomological Activities
TDGNHAS Series III, 83 (2009), 5(WARNING large file size: 5.11 MB)
James Williams
Neolithic Axes in Dumfries and Galloway
TDGNHAS Series III, 47 (1970), 111(WARNING very large file size: 71.98 MB)
James Williams
Ayrshire Arch. & Nat. Hist. Society Monograph Series. A Review
TDGNHAS Series III, 71 (1996), 166(2.35 MB)
James Williams
The Re-Discovery of a Cross from Kirkinner
Bronze Age, Roman and Romano British, Recent, Neolithic, Antiquarian, Mediaeval, Early Mediaeval, Archaeology (General), Parish History
TDGNHAS Series III, 51 (1975), 32(WARNING very large file size: 28.56 MB)
James Williams
Review - The Early Development of Dumfries from William I (1165-1214) till James III (1460-1488) by Inez Debaus
Archaeology (General), Prehistory (General), Mediaeval, Post-mediaeval archaeology, History, Parish History
TDGNHAS Series III, 76 (2002), 171(1.97 MB)
Review of a thesis for the degree of Licentiate in Archaeology at the Catholic University of leuven which was the result of practical work in the area under the guidance of A E Truckell. Copy available at the Dumfries Archive Centre
A.E. Truckell and James Williams
Suicide Stones from Lowther Hill, Wanlockhead
Recent (Social), Parish History, History
TDGNHAS Series III, 54 (1979), 159(WARNING very large file size: 96.07 MB)
Alex Anderson and James Williams
Kirk Sessions as Bridge Builders – Lochfoot and Twynholm
Parish History, Architecture
TDGNHAS Series III, 83 (2009), 232(WARNING large file size: 5.11 MB)
Recent perusal of the Kirk Session Minutes of the Parish of Lochrutton has revealed an interesting record of one of the more unusual functions of that body – the building of a bridge across the Lochfoot Burn in 1740-41. This venture has been compared with a contemporaneous bridgebuilding exercise by the Kirk Session of Tynholm .
James Williams
Some New Minerals from Beeswing, E. Kirkcudbrightshire, with Further Additions to the Mineralogy of S.W. Scotland
Geology, Mineralogy
TDGNHAS Series III, 47 (1970), 191(WARNING very large file size: 71.98 MB)
James Williams
The Testament of John Ewart in Lochanhead, Kirkpatrick Juxta
Genealogy, Recent, Recent (Social), History
TDGNHAS Series III, 51 (1975), 68(WARNING very large file size: 28.56 MB)
James Williams
Notes on Coastal Erosion and Mid 19th Century Antiquaries at Newbie Shore, Annan
Quaternary geology, Prehistory (General), Bronze Age, Recent, Recent (Social), Antiquarian, Field Meeting
TDGNHAS Series III, 77 (2003), 228(1.68 MB)
In the 1860s this Society made a number of field excursions to the eroding coastline at Newbie near Annan. These excursions are described from notes in the early printed Transactions and the earliest MS Minute book of the Society. The article is illustrat
James Williams
The Day Book (1742-50) of William Hendry, a Wanlockhead and Leadhills Merchant
Recent (Social), Genealogy, Parish History, History
TDGNHAS Series III, 54 (1979), 167(WARNING very large file size: 96.07 MB)
James Williams
Transactions and Proceedings 1868-75: The Society’s ‘Missing Years’
TDGNHAS Series III, 84 (2010), 139(3.44 MB)
The early history of the society was recorded by Sir Hugh Gladstone in his Presidential Address of 19122 – and indicates that the Society, having commenced in 1862, ran ‘in a prosperous condition till May 1875 when its meetings ceased’ . It was‘re-constituted’ in November 1876 and has continued to the present day. The published transactions do not provide any record of proceedings for the period from 1869 to 1875. In spite of two references by Gladstone there is a perception that nothing happened between 1869 and 1875 – and this apparent hiatus is re-inforced by the existence of two separate series of printed Transactions – from 1862-1869 and then 1876 to the present. The information gap from 1867-9 until 1874-5 can, however, be filled out to some extent by examining the various reports which appeared from time to time in the local press. The collating of these extracts is eased by an understanding that at this time in the Society’s history it was organised around having the first, or Annual General Meeting, of each session during the month of December: this was then usually followed by a further five ‘Winter Meetings’ finishing in May. Thereafter, there normally followed five monthly ‘Field Meetings’ until October. Such of these reports that can be found have been collated and the following pages are a summary of the Society’s activities during those ‘missing years’.
James Williams
An Example of the Stirling Pint of 1622
Mediaeval, Recent, History
TDGNHAS Series III, 47 (1970), 194(WARNING very large file size: 71.98 MB)
James Williams
Discovering Galloway (I. MacLeod: John Donald, Edinburgh) A Review
Review, History
TDGNHAS Series III, 72 (1997), 120(1009.36 KB)
James Williams
William Fleming Cormack (1920-2002) - An Appreciation
Obituary, Antiquarian, Archaeology (General), Recent (Social), Recent, Mesolithic, Mediaeval
TDGNHAS Series III, 77 (2003), 236(1.68 MB)
Obituary of William Fleming Cormack of Lockerbie (1920-2002). Although a practicing lawyer in the family firm in Lockerbie he was associated with local and national archaeology societies for over fifty years. He excavated extensively throughout Dumfries a
James Williams
The Mineralogical Collections of Dumfries Burgh Museum
Geology, Mineralogy, Museums
TDGNHAS Series III, 41 (1962-63), 201(WARNING very large file size: 241.95 MB)
P.G. Williams and James Williams
Addenda to the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Parishes in Volume II of The Statistical Account of Scotland, by Robert Riddell of Glenriddel
Antiquarian, Biography, Parish History
TDGNHAS Series III, 90 (2016), 79(2.1 MB)
At the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society meeting on the 17 October 1913, Mr Hugh S. Gladstone MA, FRSE, FZS, FSA(Scot) read as his Presidential address: Addenda to the Statistical Account of Dumfriesshire and Galloway written at the end of the Eighteenth Century by Capt. Robert Riddell LLD, FSA(Scot).3 Gladstone had found in his own library six volumes of the Statistical Account of Scotland, volume I and volumes III to VII. As Volume I and volumes III to VI contained annotations by Robert Riddell, Gladstone assumed that Riddell had annotated all of the first six volumes. He regretted that all his efforts to trace volume II had failed and hoped that the publication of his paper would lead to its discovery.
P.G. Hampson and James Williams
Some Incidents at Moorheads' Hospital during February-March, 1809
Recent, Recent (Social), History
TDGNHAS Series III, 47 (1970), 195(WARNING very large file size: 71.98 MB)
James Williams
A Possible Roman Rubbish-Pit at Carzield
Roman and Romano British
TDGNHAS Series III, 52 (1976-77), 165(WARNING very large file size: 49.22 MB)