T.G. Cowie and P. Newall
Torrs Warren, Luce Sands, Galloway: General Discussion
Neolithic, Bronze Age, Geology, Quaternary geology, Prehistory (General)
TDGNHAS Series III, 71 (1996), 91(2.35 MB)
T.G. Cowie and P. Newall Torrs Warren, Luce Sands, Galloway: General Discussion Neolithic, Bronze Age, Geology, Quaternary geology, Prehistory (General) TDGNHAS Series III, 71 (1996), 91(2.35 MB) |
Torthorwald Castle Genealogy, Architecture, Recent, Mediaeval, History TDGNHAS Series III, 68 (1993), 97(1.62 MB) |
Tour of Mary Queen of Scots in the South-West of Scotland, August, 1563 TDGNHAS Series III, 10 (1922-23), 80(WARNING very large file size: 60 MB) |
Trade Tokens Numismatics, Recent, Recent (Social), History, Mediaeval TDGNHAS Series II, 9 (1892-93), 25(WARNING large file size: 6.95 MB) |
Transactions and Proceedings 1868-75: The Society’s ‘Missing Years’ TDGNHAS Series III, 84 (2010), 139(3.44 MB)
The early history of the society was recorded by Sir Hugh Gladstone in his Presidential Address of 19122 – and indicates that the Society, having commenced in 1862, ran ‘in a prosperous condition till May 1875 when its meetings ceased’ . It was‘re-constituted’ in November 1876 and has continued to the present day. The published transactions do not provide any record of proceedings for the period from 1869 to 1875. In spite of two references by Gladstone there is a perception that nothing happened between 1869 and 1875 – and this apparent hiatus is re-inforced by the existence of two separate series of printed Transactions – from 1862-1869 and then 1876 to the present. The information gap from 1867-9 until 1874-5 can, however, be filled out to some extent by examining the various reports which appeared from time to time in the local press. The collating of these extracts is eased by an understanding that at this time in the Society’s history it was organised around having the first, or Annual General Meeting, of each session during the month of December: this was then usually followed by a further five ‘Winter Meetings’ finishing in May. Thereafter, there normally followed five monthly ‘Field Meetings’ until October. Such of these reports that can be found have been collated and the following pages are a summary of the Society’s activities during those ‘missing years’. |
Translation from the writings of Hector Boethius, 'On the Terrestrial Winged and Aquatic Animals of Scotland' [Summary only] TDGNHAS Series I, 2 (1863-64), 9(3.72 MB) |
Translation of title-page and Notes on 'The Military Art' by Flavios Vegitius Renatus [Mention only] TDGNHAS Series II, 3 (1880-83), 5(4.79 MB) |
Translations of Narratives, chiefly Contemporary, of the Death of Comyn, and other Documents relating to Dumfries and Galloway TDGNHAS Series II, 17 (1900-05), 298(WARNING very large file size: 19.53 MB) |
Travelling in the Air [Mention only] TDGNHAS Series II, 12 (1895-96), 5(WARNING large file size: 9.33 MB) |
Trawling on the Solway TDGNHAS Series II, 22 (1909-10), 193(WARNING very large file size: 11.43 MB) |
Tree Found recently in the Lochar Moss [Mention only] TDGNHAS Series I, 3 (1864-65), 7(3.77 MB) |
Tree Sparrows Nesting in Dumfriesshire TDGNHAS Series III, 21 (1936-38), 324(WARNING very large file size: 68.9 MB) |
Trees TDGNHAS Series II, 17 (1900-05), 314(WARNING very large file size: 19.53 MB) |
Troqueer in the Olden Time Parish History, History, Recent, Recent (Social), Etymology, Genealogy, Mediaeval, Recent (Literature & Art) TDGNHAS Series II, 11 (1894-95), 107(WARNING large file size: 8.86 MB) |
True Bugs (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) from Kirkconnel Flow National Nature Reserve TDGNHAS Series III, 47 (1970), 15(WARNING very large file size: 71.98 MB) |
Trusty's Hill Fort Iron Age, Early Mediaeval, Roman and Romano British, Etymology TDGNHAS Series III, 14 (1926-28), 366(WARNING very large file size: 125.46 MB) |
Two 'Bird Hall' names in Kirkpatrick Fleming TDGNHAS Series III, 78 (2004), 125(4.91 MB)
A type of place-name formation in which the word hall is preceeded by a bird-name has long been recognised in northern England but has only recently been identified in Scotland. The Scottish corpus is still so small that any new additions have a significa |
M. Green, T. Cowie and D. Lockwood Two Bronze Animal Figurines of probable Roman date recently found in Scotland TDGNHAS Series III, 60 (1985), 43(WARNING very large file size: 40.89 MB) |
Two Coins from Glenluce Sand Dunes and one from Dryfesdale Numismatics, Early Mediaeval, Mediaeval, Parish History TDGNHAS Series III, 39 (1960-61), 159(WARNING very large file size: 35.41 MB) |
Two Cruck-framed Buildings in Dumfriesshire TDGNHAS Series III, 49 (1972), 39(WARNING very large file size: 44.51 MB) |